EFF to report DA MP Gouws to parliament over ‘racist rant’

The EFF is preparing to launch its first fight in the new parliament.

The party is drafting a complaint to the speaker of the National Assembly, Thoko Didiza, to look into allegations of racism by DA MP Renaldo Gouws.

The red berets said the bigger plan is to remove the DA, a co-governing party under the government of national unity, from parliament on the strength of allegations of racism.

This follows a public video that the EFF, in a statement, described as racist and homophobic and considered the behaviour unethical for an MP.

Reverse apartheid

In one of the videos, Gouws claimed that white people were undergoing reverse apartheid, where white people were beaten and killed.

“He has been a vociferous advocate of right-wing politics in the country, equating attempts to redress colonial and apartheid legacy to reverse racism, projecting whites as victims of a so-called backlash by a black government,” reads the EFF statement.

The EFF claimed that Gouws and the ANC, led by Cyril Ramaphosa, have found political sanctuary in the DA and should be removed from parliament.

According to the party, Gouws’ removal would not even taint the DA’s defence against the gains of colonialism and apartheid.

The EFF said Gouws was notorious for racial attacks, finds humour in people living with HIV, and belittles the African continent and Africans.

Advocate for maintaining inequalities

“In more recent postings and comments, Gouws has waged a vicious attack against Mama Joy, a well-known sports supporter, and went to the extent of even calling her a prostitute,” said the party in the statement.

“Even for someone not familiar with South African politics, it would be immediately clear that Gouws holds a highly disdainful view of African people.

“For him, colonialism and apartheid ended in 1994, and any attempts for redress are reverse racism.”

It said it was for this reason that Gouws was considered an advocate for maintaining colonial and apartheid inequalities and was no different from colonial beneficiaries that have not cut across their colonial superiority.

“This is the reason it is easy for Gouws to call someone as old as Mama Joy a prostitute.”

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