Esidimeni memorial offers help

Johannesburg – The Life Esidimeni Online Memorial and Advocacy Project was launched this week in memory of the 144 people with mental illness who died in non-registered government-funded facilities in 2016.

The project is a partnership between the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag), Section27, the South African Society of Psychiatrists and the Life Esidimeni Family Committee.

Cassey Chambers of Sadag said the site gives a voice to the lived experiences of mental health patients and their families and puts a spotlight on the crisis of mental healthcare delivery in South Africa.

“It was important to remember the tragedy and journeys of the families over the last fi ve years,” said Chambers. “It can never happen again. We owe it to the 144 who died and those who survived. These people are us. They are our loved ones. We will never forget or allow others to forget.”

A website, which is part of the project, offers help through links to helplines and counselling services which offer referrals, information and support.

Sasha Stevenson, the head of health at Section27, said an upcoming inquest into the tragedy will be heard on July 19 at the high court in Pretoria.

“We heard a lot of what happened at the arbitration … [at the inquest] the judge will look at all evidence and make a decision [on whether] prosecution should follow if there is criminal accountability, ” said Stevenson.

Christine Nxumalo, from the Life Esidimeni Family Committee, said it took two years to put the memorial and advocacy project together.

“We, as families, believe in telling our stories until action happens, until the treatment of mental health patients changes.

“The aim is to help others through this website. It’s alarming that one in 10 people gets treatment for mental health,” said Nxumalo.

On March 18 2018, former deputy chief justice Dikgang Moseneke ordered the government to financially compensate the victims and families of the tragedy. He also ordered that the dead be memorialised.

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