Fear and anxiety engulf top-performing school in KwaZulu-Natal

The Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma High School, named after the former president, is on the edge as pupils turn into gangsters causing trouble in the area.


Situated in Inanda in KwaZulu Natal, the school, said to be one of best-performing high schools, was described as tense by the teachers who spoke to Sunday World. 


Said one teacher who refused to be identified: “We have seen learners dying outside and inside the yard. It is a terrifying ordeal. Gangsterism has infiltrated the school.


“We are teaching learners who are armed and dangerous.”


The teacher explained that several schools mainly in Inanda, KwaMashu and Ntuzuma have been separated along gangs who ambush each other.

“What has become more worrying is that female learners are now targeted and assaulted by these young boys who want sexual favours.

“Teachers are leaving the school in droves fearing for their lives.”

In January, one of the pupils Simphiwe Sikhakhane was assaulted to death by community members after stabbing another leaner to death.

KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Robert Netshiunda confirmed that the school is one of the crime hotspots.

“Police have increased visibility and random raids around schools in Inanda and surrounding areas,” said Netshiunda.

“However, what has become clear is that drugs have become a key problem fueling the violence [in these schools].”

Over the years, the school has been one of torch bearers in the province achieving back-to-back 100% matric performance.

Schools and tertiary institutions continue to be crime scenes in South Africa with murder and attempted murder on the rise.

The number of pupils raped on school premises also remains high.

The latest crime statistics released by Police Minister Bheki Cele over a week ago show that murders committed in educational institutions increased by 12.5% from eight in the first quarter of 2023 to nine in the second quarter.

Though the stats have a disclaimer that not all educational institutions are crime scenes, and that not all victims are pupils and students, the report for the April to June period shows that in six of the nine murders, four victims were pupils and two students.

A total of 25 attempted murders were committed in educational institutions in the period between April and June, up by 79% from the 14 cases of attempted murder reported between January and March.



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