Former EFF leader takes a swipe at the party 

As the cracks keep on widening in the provincial structures of the EFF in Limpopo, former provincial chairwoman Tshilidzi Maraga said the party’s downfall would be its disregard for its own constitution and patronage. 

Her departure follows the disbandment of the party’s Vhembe regional structure, where she came from. The party said the decision to remove Maraga from her leadership position had been taken because of the party’s underwhelming performance in the 2024 general elections. 

The red berets gained two seats in the provincial legislature under Maraga’s leadership, but she still found herself in the doldrums. Party leader Julius Malema’s long-time political ally and homeboy, Lawrence Mapoulo, replaced Maraga, who had replaced former provincial leader, Jossey Buthane.  

Buthane has since rejoined the ANC. 

According to Maraga, for a candidate to be considered for the position of provincial leader, that person must be a member in good standing with a membership spanning three years.  

Maraga deemed Mapoulo unqualified. 

Following her unceremonious ousting, Maraga joined the MK Party, and this week she was central to the party’s campaign for the student representative council elections at the University of Venda. 

“Ahead of the elections, I was highly favoured by the provincial people’s assembly and the masses, who wanted me to remain the provincial chairperson. However, the top leadership had its own ideas. They planned to use the past elections to remove me on the basis of under-performance. However, that is not justifiable because, under my leadership, the EFF had gained two more MPLs.”  

Maraga stated she couldn’t continue as a member of the EFF because she wasn’t ready to follow orders. She said the EFF is bound to lose more members in the run-up to its elective conference in December. 

“The problems in the EFF are more intense than just a distant observation. Those who are close to the situation will attest that things are hectic. The party is run like a spaza shop, and when the boss says ‘jump’, you ask how high.”  

Maraga said many people will blame former deputy president Floyd Shivambu for leaving the party and joining the MKP.  

Maraga, like Shivambu, said she wanted independent thinking, something that is not allowed in the EFF. 

“After investing so much energy and resources in the party, from the days when I was still a councillor in the Makhado local municipality, this is how I was rewarded. They decided to go and hand-pick a newcomer and disregarded the constitution.  

“This clearly demonstrates that the EFF operates as a patronage party, marginalising those who don’t align with the ruling class,” she said. 

Maraga said she chose the MKP because the policies are like those of her former political home, the EFF. “There are similarities in terms of policies between the EFF and MKP. For example, the MKP’s pillars are reclaiming land, reclaiming the economy, reclaiming people’s power and reclaiming the dignity of black people,” she said. 

Mapoulo hit back, saying they felt relieved after Maraga’s departure as it was clear that she did not understand that leadership positions are a calling.  

“We are not upset by her departure because after she left, EFF members at Ward 22 in Madombidza in Vhembe gathered and formulated a proper structure.”  

Dismissing allegations that the EFF is a party of patronage, Mapoulo said he did not join politics through friendship. “I have over 45 years in politics, and in the EFF I am not with friends. I have met fighters and ground forces in the EFF and not friends. I was appointed to this position because of the experience I gained over the years. When I came into politics, Maraga was not even born yet. Maraga, like Buthane, is just confused, and they must just leave.” 


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