Forum wants security guards in Limpopo to be on state’s payroll

The Sekhukhune Security Crisis and Demand Forum has written to Limpopo premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba to implement an immediate moratorium on retrenchment of security officers whose contracts are ending, pending insourcing discussions. 

The forum, which represents security officers in the Sekhukhune district, has also made the same request to the Fetakgomo Tubatse local municipality mayor Eddie Maila. 

The organisation wrote letters to Ramathuba and Maila dated October 14. 

They want the Limpopo government to insource all security officers working on government premises in the province. 

Letter to the premier

“Dear Sir/Madam, we, the Sekhukhune Security Crisis and Demand Forum and #OutsourcingMustFall Campaign, write to request an immediate moratorium of retrenchments of security officers whose contracts are ending from now on,” said chairperson Jackson Nkgudi in the letter.

“This request is pending discussions on insourcing, which our forum demands and wishes to urgently discuss with the government.

“As you are aware, private security companies currently employ security officers on government premises.

“However, these companies often fail to comply with labour regulations, denying
workers fair benefits and treatment.”

He writes further: “In light of this, we demand insourcing to ensure security officers’ jobs as security, improved working conditions, and adherence to labour law.

“The impending contract terminations will exacerbate the already precarious situation of these security officers.

“A moratorium on retrenchments is essential to protect their livelihoods while we engage in discussions on insourcing.”

Insourcing discussions

Nkgudi said the organisation demands an immediate moratorium on retrenchments until insourcing discussions are concluded.

“Urgent meetings with relevant government stakeholders to discuss insourcing and its
implementation, and assurance that all security officers will be absorbed into government employment without conditions.

“Our demands are grounded in the need to protect workers’ rights and job security; ensure compliance with labour regulations; ensure service delivery and accountability within the public service, which will only be possible on the basis of elimination of corruption, racketeering, and extortions associated with tendering, as well as proper and adequate training of security officers, which private companies are widely failing to provide.”

He said the #OutsourcingMustFall Campaign and the forum are committed to resisting exploitative labour practices and promoting fair treatment for all workers.

Nkgudi said: “We appreciate your prompt attention to this pressing matter and look forward to engaging with your department.

“Please confirm receipt of this letter and indicate your availability for discussions.”

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