Gender binary fuels homophobia, patriarchy, says EFF

The EFF has identified gender binary as the foundation for most of the problems in gender struggles and inequality in South Africa.

According to the party, failure to deal with this issue will perpetuate the discrimination of groups that do not align with the traditional and historical “male and female” classification of human beings.

This is among the burning issues that the EFF third national people’s assembly (NPA) will have to discuss robustly. The assembly is billed for December in Johannesburg.

The party insists that gender binary is the root of all evil in gender politics. It said this in the discussion documents for the December 12-15, setting the tone for burning issues.

Binary is problematic as it excludes other genders 

“In the assignment of gender under the current social norm, there is no in-between or alternative gender other than that of man or woman. This is what we refer to as a gender binary. The woman is presumed to be feminine, and the man masculine,” reads the discussion documents.

“This binary becomes problematic as it is imposed and excludes those born intersex. The socialisation perpetuated by gendering assumes the performative nature one should possess. And failure or the decision not to follow suit results in various violations toward human beings.

The discussion documents lay out the foundation for debate

“This is thus the foundation of misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and queerphobia. This way of imposing gender norms also results in the perpetual continuation of patriarchy. This… is whereby those assumed to be men have to overcompensate by exerting masculinity. So that they can be deemed ‘men,’ as fragility is associated with femininity.”

The EFF argues that because of gender binary, the lives of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, intersex, and queers (LGBTIQ) are under consistent threat in a misogynist, homophobic, classist, and violent society like South Africa.

As if this is bad enough, even in that gender binary society, the EFF insists that women bear the brunt of the worst forms of discrimination.

Do away with virginity testing

In this regard, practices such as virginity testing and ukuthwala are called out as backward ways that must be done away with.

“Traditional culture and religious morals link female value to virginity. This has the implication that a woman’s value is irrevocably diminished once she is sexually active. It is a clear indication of patriarchy.

“Linked to these beliefs is the invasive and discriminatory practice of ‘inspections’ (such as ukuhlolwa). This is where a young woman is required to ‘prove’ her virginity. Men are not at any stage subjected to this practice.

Ukuthwala is a traditional form of marriage involving the abduction of young girls with the intention of marrying them. This practice involves the kidnapping, rape, and forced marriage of minor girls as young as 12.

“South African legislation further exacerbates this phenomenon by allowing children as young as 16 to have the right to marry. They can do so under parental guidance. And this is contrary to the globally accepted standard that an adult is 18 years old.”

The EFF NPA will also discuss once again the decriminalisation of sex work in South Africa.
“The decriminalisation of sex work is not only about dignity and the protection of sex workers. It is also about restoring agency and bodily autonomy… to a collective that has been robbed of the power to choose what to do with their bodies.”

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