Irate musician quits as EFF councillor

Singer miffed as party chooses Ringo

Revered Tsonga musician and EFF councillor Benny Mayengani has effed off from the party’s opposition council benches after party members chose fellow artist Ringo Madlingozi over him to go to parliament.

Sunday World can reveal that the disgruntled Mayengani resigned as an EFF councillor in the City of Joburg about two months ago in protest over the red beret brigades’ decision to choose Madlingozi to be among the EFF’s 44 MPs.

EFF spokesperson and MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi confirmed Mayengani had resigned after protesting about being overlooked for a seat in parliament.

“The EFF held a list conference where candidates to provincial legislatures and candidates to parliament were elected. In conference, a book that contained more than 1 000 names voted for by members was produced.
“We then said the number must be whittled down to at least 200 … Delegates were asked to elect their preferred candidates by raising their hands from the floor and no one elected him,” Ndlozi said.

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“All EFF members, including the CIC [commander in chief], had to subject themselves to the internal democratic process ofthe party and unfortunately that process didn’t favour him.” Ndlozi said despite his resignation, Mayengani was still an EFF member according to their records. The startling details were revealed by two EFF members, who didn’t approve of Mayengani’s alleged ill-discipline and uncontrollable appetite for power.

“Benny threw his toys out of the cot and resigned as a councillor because he believed he deserved to go to parliament more than Ringo,” said a member.

“His argument was that he has the biggest constituency or support base than Ringo. I think he believes so because he fills up stadiums with his #FillupStadium concepts and Ringo never filled up the stadium alone but the question is, are these people who fill up the stadiums
to see him perform all members of the EFF?

“I think he is just too arrogant and suffers from an exaggerated sense of self-worth,” the member said.

Mayengani did not respond to requests for comment.

By Ngwako Malatji


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