Jub Jub quits Uyajola 9/9 after ‘abuse’ from channel’s boss

Uyajola 9/9 presenter Jub Jub has resigned from MojaLove in a huff after complaining of
verbal and emotional abuse from the TV channel’s chief executive officer Aubrey Tau.

News of Jub Jub’s renouncement of the throne is contained in a letter he wrote to Tau
last week.

In the letter Sunday World has seen, Jub Jub, real name Molemo Maarohanye, said he was gatvol with Tau’s tendency to treat him like a sewer rat.

“After careful consideration, the reasons for my resignation are as follows:

“The verbal and emotional abuse in the work environment from the CEO himself. Conti­nuous threats about losing my job,” reads the letter.

Jub Jub also cited the arguments which erupted before the shooting of episodes of the popu­lar show among the reasons that made his life at the channel a living hell.

“Breach of contract. Unstable working environment (team changing, plans changing, last-minute changes which have affected my creativity over the years). Uyajola 9/9 has lost its DNA (authenticity) and that will result in loss of viewership, which I have spoken about multiple times,” he said.

He further stated that the channel’s refusal to allow him to exercise his creativity to host the show freely also made his job unbearable.

“An email was sent way in advance on the 4th of August for the days that I would be unavailable for shooting to avoid inconvenience, but still I was sent a work schedule.

“I’ve been made out to be a difficult and unreasonable person to work with, whereas the work environment is not conducive,” he lamented.

Jub Jub also stated that his legal team sent an email to the channel about his grievances but the station disregarded it and ordered him to work.

The award-winning rapper also explained that his heart bled after the channel called him a rapist “when no one had proof”.

“With all of this, I have concluded that it is in my best interest to step down from my role effective immediately,” he stated.

In his response, Tau accepted Jub Jub’s resignation letter “with pleasure”.

He accused the musician of being “ungrateful”, “dishonest” and “super arrogant” after the channel supported him during his difficult times.

“For example: you would often be late for call times for hours on end and constantly have to be called, reminded and begged to arrive. The company has paid for your wardrobe well in advance and also given your SNT (special needs trust) after discussions with you to make it much more easier to work with you,” read the response.

Tau also reminded Jub Jub of an old incident which embarrassed the channel in which the presenter insulted a female businesswoman.

“You had on another occasion verbally assaulted a lady in Moruleng and named her with her private parts. This is indica­tive of how ill-disciplined and disrespectful you were.

“You were accused of a ­serious crime of rape and the company, out of its own goodwill, and after you requested, offered to pay for your legal fees, and this was a huge amount.. and no less than R1-million,”
Tau stated.

The businessman also lambasted Jub Jub for ill-treating   the participants of the show and blamed its decline in viewership on the muso.

“You would often mock and ridicule the participants in the show, again showing how ill-disciplined you were.

This reduces the viewership numbers because you are not taking the show seriously. When you are being told to please be professional as this is not about you, it is about the participants, you ignore the advice,” he stated.

Tau dismissed Jub Jub’s allegation that the channel had called him a rapist.

“No one called you a rapist other than you were being accused of rape, hence the support that was offered to you.

“Whenever you [were] disciplined or encouraged to take accountability, you would term it abuse. This was not abuse but rather accountability and you did not take such accountability,” he stated.

Tau added that Uyajola 9/9 was dethroned from its position as the channel’s most watched show by X Repo because of the artist’s indiscretions.

“Your attitude and lack of respect towards the crew and participants actually diluted the show and was regrettable. Our number one show is now X Repo because you have a presenter who understands his boundaries and respects his craft and is only paid per show.

“The mistake we have done was to give you a monthly fee. The company would pay you monthly R180 000 even if you did not work and yet you term this unfair treatment.”

Tau also chastised Jub Jub for failing to show up at his paid gig, saying by so doing, he took bread out of the mouths of the affected music promoters.

“You would come to the CEO’s office and would ask for a loan to pay back the people you took money from, who booked you to perform in Kimberly, Easter Cape and other provinces. (You also said) they are threatening your life because you never render the services.

“This was again ill-discipline and wrong. I advised you that this is out of order as these people are trying to put bread on the table for their families and those they employed but you decided to take their money and spent it and never pitched up to perform. Think about it.

“That is the reason you fear to go to Eastern Cape or Kimberly during the shoot. It is unfortunate that a talented person would behave like this manner,” he stated.

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