Lebo M’s ex-wife in grave pain

Lebo M’s ex-wife, Nandi Ndlovu, is accusing the Lion King producer of scrapping her name from their dead son’s tombstone epitaph and replaced it with the son of his second wife Angela.

Ndlovu said they erected a tombstone on the grave of their son at a Fourways cemetery when they buried him after he drowned in a swimming pool at their Randburg home about two decades ago.

“My name was there and we unveiled it after the funeral. The tombstone had my son’s favourite poem and read as follows: ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star, Oh how I wonder how you are wherever you are. Even though your light shone the shortest, it sure was the brightest. Love you always, Your mom’,” she said.

The epitaph was changed to read as follows: “Love from your dad, sisters and brothers.

Ndlovu said: “Lebo has only one son not sons. He included Angela’s son, I guess, to please her. Imagine going to your son’s graveyard to lay flowers and you get there [and] your name and the tombstone that you picked is removed and replaced with the new wife’s family.”

She explained that she discovered she was expunged from the epitaph when she went to lay flowers on her son’s grave after arriving in the country from the US where she lives.

“I live in the US and every time I visit SA I’d go and lay flowers or toys by his tombstone. I went there to visit my late son one day and found that his tombstone had been removed.

“Like that was not enough, instead he put Angela’s family on my son’s tombstone. Then a few months later he and Angela were divorced but her family was still on my son’s tombstone.”

She added that Lebo M did not inform or even invite her family when he changed the tombstone and the inscription.

“I was not informed, nor  invited. My Ndlovu family was not invited and I was not there when it was installed.

I just heard from some of our mutual friends that they told him what he was doing was wrong.

“Until today, he hasn’t said a word about it. One of his relatives told me that he put a padlock at our son’s graveyard. I’m not sure if I now need to call him for permission to get the keys to go and visit my son’s grave.”

Ndlovu said further that she was speaking out because she is tired of Lebo M doing things that involve her without her consent.

Lebo M declined to comment.


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