Limpopo teachers abandon classes due to unhealthy conditions

Teachers at a Limpopo school have downed tools because they feel “unsafe” due to the unavailability of water and dirty latrines.

Sunday World has learnt that it has been days since teaching and learning were brought to an abrupt stop at Tibamoshito Primary School.

The teachers complained that working conditions do not meet occupational health and safety standards.

This is not the first time teachers abandoned lessons at this school in Ga-Rantho village in Sekhukhune East. Previously, teachers stopped teaching due to filthy facilities.

Letter of grievances

The SA Democratic Teachers Union’s (Sadtu) Mammene Jack Mash branch cited the lack of water as the primary justification for their work boycott in a brief letter.

The letter, which was addressed to the executive committee of Tibamoshito by branch secretary Moses Kgaphola, was titled: “Concern about the safety and unhealthy working conditions at your site.”

The letter reads in part: “The branch executive committee convened a consultative meeting between the site executive committee, school management team and circuit managers at the circuit office to engage on the safety of and unhealthy working conditions at the site.

“All the stakeholders share the same sentiment that your safety at the school is compromised due to a number of recent incidents that occurred.

“The meeting advised you to report to the circuit office in the meantime and choose schools within the circuit that are convenient to you, while the circuit manager still engages the district director about the possible solution and way forward. Your safety and general wellbeing remain our concern.”

Principal chased away

Since the community members who were furious with him chased him away, the school has been operating without a principal.

They accused the head of the school  of maladministration, embezzlement of funds, and nepotism in the recruitment of teachers.

Sunday World understands that the school was supposed to hire a deputy principal; however, the principal revoked the interviews.

This was allegedly because the selection panel shortlisted candidates that he did not favour.

One of the job candidates told Sunday World that he was informed at the last minute that the interviews had been postponed, but no valid reasons were given.

“When I applied for the deputy principal position, I was armed with all the requirements as stated on the job advertisement,” he said.

“I was shortlisted by the panel, but because the principal needed an ally, the interviews were mysteriously cancelled. Given the manner in which I was informed about cancellation, anyone could smell a rat.”

The school has been rendered dysfunctional after the administrator slapped members of the school governing body (SGB) with protection orders.

SGB chairwoman Linah Moeketsi said she and deputy secretary James Maloma were instructed not to set foot in the schoolyard.

Since the SGB members were sidelined, the school nutrition programme and water supply suffered greatly due to a lack of administrative support.

Moeketsi said the internal structures have rendered the school ungovernable, and learners are the ones bearing the brunt.

Unable to pass the budget

“The problems gripping our school are deeply entrenched, and due to maladministration, many things have been deadlocked,” said Moeketsi.

“We have been persistently unable to pass the budget vote because of the deep-seated squabbles among warring factions.

“Our finances are in disarray, and certain programmes have stalled. While this bickering continues to widen the gap between school management and community members, we were unable to reach a consensus on how to move forward.”

One of the concerned parents, Glen Masha, said the undesirable principal was chased away because parents were dissatisfied with his managerial style, especially the handling of school funds.

Mosebjane Kgafe, the spokesperson for the provincial department of education, said: “We are aware of the unfortunate circumstances at Tibamoshito Primary School, and further investigation will be conducted so that learning and teaching can resume immediately.”

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  1. The truth somewhere and somehow is not told. The problem at the school was also triggered who was shortlisted for Deputy Principalship post. He does not come handy when coming to school leadership and Management. He is a CS1 teacher. He was favour ed over those who met requirements. It was DH who lodged grievance and not the principal. The poor principal alleged to have a had on appointment issues was just misrepresentation of information to the media. After he learnt that the process of interview was interdicted through formal grievance, he went to another female colleague ‘s and intimidated the husband alleging that his wife stood on his way to be promoted. This educator is a leader of the Union and makes use of his Union and SGB instigate violence against principal, DH and Administrator. DH and Administrator were made to report at Circuit Office. In his meeting with teachers of his union, he encouraged them not to report at school but at other schools. The man is fighting for promotional posts.


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