Malema, Buthane cross swords at polling station over injured child

Economic Freedom Fighters leader, Julius Malema has condemned the ANC in the area for lack of political tolerance and compassion for children.

Malema said this after Tshiamo Lebaka, 9, was caught in the crossfire during the riotous altercation between ANC and EFF members in Juju Valley outside Polokwane in Limpopo two weeks ago.

“The videos which are currently circulating on social media reveal stupidity of these people who cannot share space with us. It is clear that they behaved in that manner without being provoked.

Accused the ANC of barbarism

“The shooting of an innocent nine-year-old is an indication of stupidity and barbarism. Their brutality is not different from the killing of Palestinian children in the Israel-Palestine war. These stupid people are not supposed to lead this country. Because they have no compassion for children,” lamented Malema. He added that his government will prioritise children safety.

Malema said this while bearing the brunt of the scorching sun before he could cast his vote. He did so in Seshego township outside Polokwane on Wednesday.

Malema arrived at Mponegele Primary School in Masakaneng section of Zone 1 around midday. He was accompanied by his wife, Mantwa, in a luxurious German motorcade.

Immediately after disembarking, he was surrounded by a large media contingent. They had gathered to cover the biggest political story in Limpopo.

Fiercely contested ward

Ward 13 in Seshego is a fiercely contested terrain between the ANC and EFF.

Malema, who was a few metres away from beleaguered ANC member Jossey Buthane, was at ease. He was greeting and chatting with EFF loyalists.

While he was standing on the queue, Malema wasted no time in lambasting the ANC. He condemned the party for the recent violent incident in Juju Valley, outside Seshego.

Buthane said he was in Seshego as his bail conditions permitted him. He was arrested for the Juju Valley attacks but released on bail.

Buthane vowed that he would visit Juju Valley, where his safety could be in jeopardy.

“There is no ‘no-go area’ here. This is a free country and I will go wherever I please” he said.

Referring to Buthane’s remarks, Malema said: “I don’t have time for suicidal people. We don’t have to entertain people who seek attention. He’s been behaving like this and we just give him one look and we ignore him. I don’t have time for failures. They should know that I don’t start unnecessary fights which they cannot win. Such kind of stupidity has got no place in the EFF.”      

Both Malema and Buthane grew up in Masakaneng and attended school together with ANC MP Boy Mamabolo. The latter had voted earlier at the same polling station.  

After standing on the slow-moving queue for about four hours, Malema cast his vote, followed by his wife.

Confident of an EFF victory

Addressing the media afterwards, Malema said he was confident that the red beret will fare pretty well. He said this will be the case when the election results are announced.

“I’m heading straight to the Union Buildings… You will find me there” Malema said confidently.

Malema said he was satisfied with the work done by EFF members. He said they crisscrossed the length and breadth of the country during electioneering.

“However, if we don’t win, it is not the end of the EFF. We will accept the results if they are credible and congratulate those who have won. It has to be said that we are not in a hurry for positions.

“When that time finally arrives, we will embrace it. What is foremost importance is the love for South Africa. The EFF loves this country it will always put national interest first. That is why we want to govern. Because we want to save this country from the wrong hands.”

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