MaMkhize set to appeal R204 million tax bill court order

TV reality star and businesswoman Shauwn Mkhize has instructed her lawyers to appeal the final liquidation order issued by the Pretoria High Court in favour of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) over her tax bill.

The KwaMamkhize star told Sunday World she was not losing any sleep over the ruling, but said she would not ignore it.

This comes after SARS successfully obtained a final liquidation order against Mkhize’s company, Zikhulise Cleaning, Maintenance and Transport, indicating that it owed a whopping R204 million in unpaid taxes.

The court battle between Mkhize and SARS started in 2016 with the taxman at the time demanding R141-million in unpaid taxes.

It had even seized Mkhize’s assets, including her La Lucia mansion and luxury vehicles. However, Mkhize secured an agreement with the taxman and reclaimed her assets.

At the time, Mkhize accused SARS of being biased and said it had acted in bad faith after it rejected her request for deferred payment. But now SARS has been issued a final order to liquidate Zikhulise.

Mkhize, speaking through her management team, told Sunday World she has instructed her lawyers to appeal the judgment. She has also launched her own application with the tax court to appeal the debt amount raised by SARS and she said the matter was in court in September 2019.

“All parties reached a settlement agreement which was in the finalisation stage. The settlement agreement will be put on the SARS system and is not R204 million. In the interim, I have instructed my legal team to appeal the judgment,” reads her response.

She further said that the final figure has not been calculated by SARS and said she was positive that the assessment will lead to a refund due to her.

“There is a substantial difference between the amount originally contained in the founding affidavit and the settlement agreement that was made an order of the court. It is evident that the liquidation application was premature,” said Mkhize.


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