Man behind bars for the rape of his daughter

A case against a father who raped his 6-year-old biological daughter has been postponed to October 27 by the Mankweng magistrates court in Limpopo.

The suspect, a 43-year-old foreign national, made his first court appearance on October 20, a day after after his arrest. He remains behind bars.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Hlulani Mashaba said that the case was reported on October 18 after the minor had complained about experiencing pain in her private parts.

Mashaba explained: “The mother and the father had an arrangement that the father should reside with their daughter at his residence in Solomondale (a village north of Mankweng) [from] last December. It is reported that during the victim visit to her mother she complained about pains in the private parts while bathing.”

Mashaba said the mother, suspecting that her daughter might have been raped, took the child to the clinic for a medical examination.

“The doctor confirmed the rape and she indicated that her father raped her,” Mashaba said.

Limpopo police commissioner Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe condemned the incident and applauded police for the immediate arrest of the suspect.

Hadebe said :”He was expected to provide and protect the daughter, instead he destroys her future, this is disturbing indeed.”

Crime statistics
During the announcement of crime statistics for the second quarter of 2023 in August, Police Minister Bheki Cele said many of the reported rape cases took place at the residence of the perpetrator or that of the victim, including residences known by the victims or the perpetrators.
He also said that some of these crimes are committed by family members against their relatives, friends and neighbours.
Cele called on communities to be allies against crime, adding that this cannot be understated.
“When it comes to the prevention and combating of GBVF (gender-based violence and femicide), it remains a betrayal of humanity to look away and ignore abuse and violence of anyone, let alone women, children and other vulnerable groups in society.
“It is our resolve to ensure that the perpetrators of violence against women, children and vulnerable groups are brought to book.”

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