Man gets 25 years for trying to kill his ex-girlfriend

A 48-year-old man, who stabbed his ex-girlfriend more than seven times, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempted murder.

Sindisa Matomane was found guilty of stabbing his ex-lover multiple times including in the face, hands and stomach until she lost consciousness.

Matomane went to the woman’s home at Kanana village near Tlhabane, North West in the early morning of August 14 this year and found her sleeping. He stabbed her with a knife more than seven times until she passed out. He fled the scene.

The woman was rushed to hospital where she spent two-months receiving medical attention for wounds in the face, hands and stomach.  

Matomane was arrested on the same day he committed the crime.  He was denied bail and subsequently pleaded not guilty to the charges.

During presentencing procedures, state prosecutor Zangweni Zimema had urged the court to consider the prevalence of domestic violence; and the physical and emotional trauma suffered by the woman at the hands of Matomane.

Handing down the sentence at the Tlhabane magistrates’ court on Tuesday, magistrate Segakweng Moeng remarked on Matomane’s brutality, adding that he showed no remorse for his actions.

North West National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Henry Mamothame said they welcome the speedy and thorough completion of the case.

“Credit should go to the police, prosecutor and the presiding officer for such a thorough and speedy completion. We further laude the complainant for availing herself to testify on her ordeal,” said Mamothame.

The Director of Public Prosecutions in North West, Dr Rachel Makhari, commended Zimema, Sergeant Karabo Monyatsi and all role players who ensured that the perpetrator was brought to book. She praised the neighbours for acting swiftly, saving a life.

Life versus 25 years

Mamothame explained that in terms of the terms of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 105 of 1997 as amended by Criminal Law Amendment Act 12 of 2021 attempted murder in which there are physical or domestic violence, or involves intimate partner and serious mortal injuries are sustained; that attempted murder falls under section 51(1) of Criminal Law Amendment Act and the prescribed minimum sentence is a life sentence.

“The accused could have been sentenced to life imprisonment because this attempted murder falls under Part 1 Schedule 2 of Act.

“But because the court found substantial and compelling circumstances it deviated from imposing a life sentence but 25 years direct imprisonment,” explained Mamothame

“Life sentence means upon serving 25 years, the inmate shall be legible for release on parole but in cases of 25 years imprisonment, the inmate can just serve 15 years then be released on parole,” he said.

As part of his sentence, the court also declared Matomane unfit to possess a firearm. Mamothame explained that in terms of the Firearms Control Act, any of person convicted of attempted murder must be declared unfit to possess a firearm.

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