Mapisa-Nqakula calls for peaceful resolution to war in Gaza

Parliament Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula has urged MPs to support peace efforts in the ongoing Israel-Palestine war.

Mapisa-Nqakula was speaking during the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s session in Luanda, Angola.

The conflict, which has now entered its 19th day, has been deemed the deadliest episode in a series of battles in the Gaza Strip.

The deadly attacks, which commenced on October 7 when Palestinian militant group (Hamas) launched attacks on Israel, has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives including numerous children and civilians who are caught in the crossfire.

In a statement on Wednesday, parliament spokesperson Moloto Mothapo said the speaker emphasised the importance of dialogue, negotiations, and respect for human rights as the only viable path towards achieving “true peace” and stability.

Mapisa-Nqakula called on legislators to act and implement the UN resolution for a just, comprehensive, and peaceful solution between Israel and Palestine.

Reiterating South Africa’s stance on the matter, Mapisa-Nqakula quoted the late president Nelson Mandela saying: “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

 Parties pledge support

The speaker’s clarion call is widely supported by several political parties in the country. The ANC and EFF recently took to the streets in protest against Israeli’s bombardment of Gaza. 

The parties pledged their support to Palestinians, so much that the EFF even called on the government to banish Israel’s ambassador to South Africa.

Party leader Julius Malema warned Israeli-affiliated organisations including retail chain Woolworths and McDonald’s to distance themselves from the Israelis or face dire consequences.

He said the red berets are not neutral, but are in support of Palestinians.

“We are here to do a simple task, to tell Israel and the world that we are on the side of Palestine,” Malema said during a protest outside the Israel embassy in Pretoria this week.

“People came and took the land of the Palestinians, every year they extend their occupation. When you look at the map of Palestine, there is nothing left of land in Palestine.

“The people of Palestine have nothing to lose, they must stand up and fight for their freedom. Condemning Hamas is cowardice.”

Meanwhile, the ANC said: “South Africa stands with the Palestinian people today, as we did during our long struggle for freedom and democracy in our motherland.

“We do so not because of their religion or the colour of their skin, but because we recognise our common humanity. Palestinians’ lives matter.

“Race or religion should not be used to determine our response to human catastrophe and injustice.”

The promise of peace

Presidential hopeful Malema also pledged to arm Palestine to fight for their freedom when the EFF takes over as government after the 2024 elections.

However, President Cyril Ramaphosa has strongly advised against the arming of any of the warring parties.

The president said the act of providing destructive weapons to any countries at war defies the promise of peace.

“The fighting must end. Israel must stop its siege and shelling of Gaza. Hamas must stop launching rockets into Israel. Hostages must be returned,” said Ramaphosa.

“We must discourage any action that fuels this conflict and threatens to engulf the entire region. Humanitarian corridors must be opened to alleviate human suffering.”

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