Mashatile’s spin-doctor back at work amid ‘sexual harassment’ case

Women’s rights pressure group Women Inspired Solutions for Empowerment (WISE) has written to deputy President Paul Mashatile’s office demanding to answers on why his spokesperson Vukani Mde, who was suspended for sexual harassment allegations, is back at work.

Mde was suspended early this year after Sunday World reported about a cover-up to shield him from the allegations.

This was after the office dragged its feet to institute a disciplinary hearing against the man following a recommendation by a pre-liminary probe that he be hauled before the coals.

Instead, after his suspension, Mashatile’s office hired another investigator. This time it was a senior Advocate from the Pretoria Bar, Isabelle Ellis.

No report clearing him in the matter

WISE insists that Mde should not be back at work. It says there was never a report produced by Ellis clearing him of the sexual harassment complaint against him by his subordinate.

Mashatile’s acting spokesperson Keith Khoza confirmed to Sunday World that Mde was back at work.

“I can confirm that Vukani is back in the office as the Chief Director: Communications. This follows an outcome of the labour relations hearing,” said Khoza.

But Khoza’s colleagues claim that Mde was brought back “via the backdoor” and placed in a different position. The aim was to keep him away from the limelight to cover up the sexual harassment scandal, again, they said.

Back via back door in new role

WISE is having none of it.

“It has come to our attention that Mr Mde was introduced to the Presidency staff as the new head of communications. The last time we checked, Mr Mde was on suspension pending an investigation into sexual harassment allegations levelled against him,” wrote Brenda Madumise-Pajibo, the director of WISE.

According to Khoza, Mde is now chief director for communications. And the complainant, who reported to the accused, now reports to someone else.

Khoza could not say who this “other official” is, but insiders claim the complainant still reports to Mde.  

“The DDG in the office had ensured, as a result, Mr Mde was placed on precautionary suspension. This was to obviate any interference with the investigation. The HR unit ensured that the affected employee is able to work in a conducive environment. Free of intimidation,” said Khoza.

But WISE insist that there is no existing report about an “investigation” that cleared Mde. They have demanded answers from the Chief of Staff Mdu Mbada and Presidency COO Rory Gallocher.

Investigator blamed accuser

It is understood that Advocate Ellis accused the complainant of wanting the accused’s job. This she focused on, instead of conducting an objective investigation.

Ellis apparently insisted that the complainant does not have evidence to back up her claims. This despite WhatsApp text evidence presented before her.

Ellis had allegedly also told the complainant that she needs to stay away from married men. Thus insinuating that she was inviting the sexual harassment.

With a thick file of evidence against Mde provided to Ellis, she allegedly also accused the complainant of having entertained Mde’s advances. She did this until she could not get her way with the man, Ellis alleged.

She allegedly also told the complainant to start considering where to go next for “ruining a man’s life with a false accusation”.

Ellis’ conduct against the complainant infuriated WISE. The group registered its objection over her appointment. But the Presidency went ahead with her, nonetheless.

Group demands answers

“We again assert and remind your good selves that sexual harassment is neither trivial nor is it exceptional. Its ubiquitous presence can take many forms, from looks and words to physical assault and rape,” WISE protested.

“Those who report sexual violations/harassment must be treated on par with those who are reported against. [They must be] kept informed and consulted in any/all actions taken during investigation process and conclusion. Unfortunately, sadly and infuriating, it does not seem to be the case with the complainant in this matter.”

Khoza said Mashatile’s office took such matters seriously. Hence the suspension of Mde earlier this year.

But he still could not address the question of how Mde was silently brought back to work, in a different position. This done without a report about the sexual harassment complaint against him from the Ellis investigation.

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