MEC Duma plans to visit communities hit hard by snowfall

The KwaZulu-Natal transport MEC, Siboniso Duma, has plans to visit areas where the recent heavy snowfall has closed roads.

During a media briefing on Monday in Montrose, Free State, Duma stated that the department of health provided the information regarding the confirmed death.

Duma went on to say that until the department of health gets in touch with them, they are unable to verify that there are no more deaths.

It is thought that hypothermia was the cause of death for the individual.

Hypothermia is a condition that occurs when core body temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius.

“We only confirmed after the department of health informed us on that one [death],” he said.

“We will also give an update when the health department sends us a confirmation on any other death related to the snowfalls.”

Planned visit to impacted households

He continued by saying that two households had been badly impacted and that they would be visited and provided with all the assistance they require.

“We have a procedure that we follow with the department of human settlement, where we visit the affected areas and families and assist them with all the things that they need – from food, shelter, and many others.

“We just do not publicise it because of the sensitivity of the matter,” he said.

According to Duma, his department is compelled to impound the vehicles whose owners were not around at the time of cleaning up the road.

“We were compelled to impound those vehicles that were blocking the road. We are going to consolidate a report properly once we gather all the information.”

In addition, he conveyed his gratitude to the rescuers who risked everything to save thousands of lives aboard the N3.

“We have to thank all the teams that were responsible for this and responding in a positive manner. We are delighted that more lives were spared when we should have lost more.”

The N3 toll route and other highways impacted by the snowstorm have since been reopened to traffic, and no accidents have been reported.

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