Men who killed EFF councillor Koketso Mojatau found guilty

The two men who were accused of the brutal murder of Koketso Mojatau, the late EFF councillor in the City of Ekurhuleni, have been found guilty.

They were convicted by the Johannesburg high court on Monday.

They were found guilty on two counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, four counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances, and unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition.

Nailed by tip-off from community members

Simon Mahuse, 28, and his accomplice Frans Ntshumayelo, 29, were apprehended by the police. This came after a tip from community members, and they were taken into custody.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the suspects were a group of four, however, one died during a shootout with the police, while one fled the scene.

“The two remaining suspects were apprehended. The guilty verdict follows a diligent investigation by the police, which revealed that the accused were responsible for the murders of Koketso Mojatau who was an EFF councillor in the City of Ekurhuleni, and Siboniso Sokhele in April 2023,” said NPA spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane.

The police recovered the stolen vehicles, firearms and other personal items belonging to Mojatau and arrested the accused after the shootout.

Mjonondwane said the duo was convicted for a series of violent crimes that were committed between January and April 2023.

“The evidence presented in court showed that the accused targeted unsuspecting victims, using firearms to rob and murder them,” Mjonondwane added.

The court heard how the accused accosted their victims at gunpoint, stealing their vehicles, cellphones and other personal belongings.

Disproving the accused’s plea of not guilty

Senior state prosecutor Matthews Rampyapedi disproved the accused’s plea of not guilty by presenting substantial evidence that proved their guilt.

Rampyapedi also argued that no complainant or witness was able to identify the attackers. This is due to the offences were done at night.

The state used fingerprint evidence, objects discovered inside the vehicle, chronologies linking the incidents, and the method of operation.

The accused’s modus of oparandi was condemned by the court, which emphasised the severity and intentionality of their crimes. The court also criticised their complete disrespect for the lives and privacy of innocent people.

Sentencing is due on September 25.

The EFF in Gauteng said it welcomed the guilt verdict of the duo.

“While the verdict will never fill the painful void caused by Koketso’s departure, we see it as a moment of relief for those who lost a partner, father, family member, friend, and a comrade at the hands of these heartless criminals,” said Nkululeko Dunga, EFF chairperson in Gauteng.

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