Misappropriated RAF funds paid back to rightful beneficiary

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has ruled in favour of a wheelchair-bound and brain-injured Road Accident Fund (RAF) beneficiary who was defrauded by his sister.

Mahlubandile Mavuso was run over by a vehicle in 2009.

According to the NPA, Mavuso’s sister Nokulungisa Mavuso claimed the funds with the help of her boyfriend who was a RAF employee. To return the favour, Nokulungisa bought the boyfriend a car with the money she received from RAF.

NPA spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said the money has been paid back to the beneficiary’s account.

“He [Mahlubandile] sustained serious physical and brain injuries and was subsequently unable to personally handle his financial affairs,” said Tyali. “His biological sister, Nokulungisa Mavuso, acted as a caregiver or guardian and submitted a claim to the RAF.”

Nokulungisa successfully claimed R1.4-million between the years 2013 and 2014 and the money was paid into a bank account belonging to her.

“The sister electronically transferred R143 000 to a vehicle seller, with a reference ‘Mzuvukile Gcanabana’, for a purchase of an Isuzu KB 300TD. The R143 000 belonged to Mahlubandile Mavuso and was never at any stage intended for Gcanabana.”

The car was registered in Gcanabana’s name, who was employed as a claims handler at the RAF at the time.

The asset forfeit unit received a referral from the specialised commercial crime unit to handle the matter and successfully obtained an order to preserve the vehicle as it was identified as proceeds of fraud.

“In April 2023, a forfeiture order, which is a final order, was granted by the high court directing that the vehicle be forfeited to the state and proceeds of its auction be paid to Mahlubandile.

“The vehicle has been sold and a sum of R45 650, being the proceeds thereof, has been paid back to Mahlubandile as the victim of the fraudulent activities.”

The criminal case against Gcanabana is pending before a regional court in East London.

“This is a stern warning to employees of government agencies that if they commit crime, they will not enjoy the fruits of their actions.”


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