Mom feels abadoned after  child’s  shooting in ANC-EFF Juju Valley feud

Ratilwe Lebaka (42), whose child was shot during the recent violent skirmishes in Polokwane in Limpopo, feels neglected and forgotten by politicians whose supporters’ actions have put her daughter’s life in danger.

She cuts a lonely figure in front of her corrugated shack at Juju Valley in the periphery of Seshego township. Tshiamo was shot in the head when EFF and ANC supporters clashed in the settlement on 19 May.

Joseph “Jossey” Buthane, a former EFF who rejoined the ANC ahead of the elections, was arrested in connection with the little girl’s shooting. He is out on bail.

Buthane faces charges that include attempted murder, possession of an unlicensed firearm and live ammunition.

“I am going through this traumatic experience alone, except the support I get from my immediate family. The politicians who wanted to do cheap politicking and point-scoring immediately after this tragedy, have since vanished into thin air,” Lebaka told Sunday World on election day.

She was turned down from the voting station in Juju Valley on election day because her name didn’t appear on the voters’ roll.

However, the voting fiasco is the least of her worries. “My daughter is fighting for her dear life in hospital but I’m positive that she will pull through. She is showing signs of recovering even though it’s a slow recuperation,” Ratilwe said.

“At this moment, I still don’t know what happened to my daughter. No one is giving me a concrete story about what transpired on that heartbreaking day. All I hear are rumours and contradictory reports about the fights that erupted between politicians,” lamented Lebaka.

Tshiamo’s aunt, Johanna Lebaka, said they still didn’t know what happened to her niece.

“This incident has left us shattered. We are now the talk of the town in Juju Valley and on social media platforms though no one knows the pain we are going through. Despite the traumatic experience we are going through, our plight is now being politicised.

“Moments after the shooting incident, we were inundated with ANC comrades who pretended to care. They came in large numbers and overcrowded the hospital ward. What shocked me the most was that immediate family members were barred from entering the ward,” Johanna said.

Johanna named those who flooded the ward as ANC stalwart Kgalema Motlanthe, Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha, Polokwane executive mayor John Mpe, Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba, as well as former EFF and now ANC member Jossey Buthane.

Johanna said since that traumatic incident the family never received any call from the ANC bigwigs.

Joshua Kwapa, the spokesperson for the provincial Department of Social Development said at the moment they are still assessing the situation and will later provide the victim and the family with psychosocial counselling.

Meanwhile, Lebaka’s misery continues.

“My child might be hyperactive but is naïve to political squabbles. It still beats me as to why well grown politicians who happen to be parents put a young life in such jeopardy,” she said. 

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