Minister of Police Bheki Cele announced that 120 suspects have been arrested for various offences since the strike began in Cape Town.
These offences include malicious damage to property, public violence and looting.
An integrated operation involving the police, City of Cape Town’s Traffic Services and Metro Police embarked on an operation on Monday to clear Airport Approach Road in order to allow the free flow of traffic to Cape Town International Airport.
The operation has resulted in 53 minibus taxis being impounded.
“Meanwhile, the investigations into the five murders, attempted murders, public violence, arson, armed robberies, carjacking and numerous cases of malicious damage to property continue,” said Cele.
Police remain on high alert and will respond to any and all eventualities.
“We are making a clarion call to all parties involved to move with speed in ensuring the impasse is resolved. We are also calling on the Taxi industry to keep within the law and that when there is conflict all negotiation avenues are exhausted for the sake of citizens.
He said law-abiding citizens should, within the parameters of law, assist in ensuring that all acts of criminality are reported to the police.
“In closing, I want to set the record straight with regard to my attendance in meetings with the Taxi industry role players. It is within the mandate of the Ministry responsible for preventing, combating and investigating crime, to intervene and avert any planned course of action that may adversely affect citizens.
“At no point will I as National Minister of Police, agitate for a strike; as has been suggested by officials of the City of Cape Town. Minister could have gone there to agitate the strike and it is nonsensical that I could be accused of such,” concluded.
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