Motsoaledi slams Momentum Life for NHI ‘scarecrow’

ANC NEC member and Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi has fingered Momentum Life for running a propaganda campaign against the controversial National Health Insurance (NHI).

Motsoaledi was addressing the media at the closing day of the ANC NEC Lekgotla in Boksburg, east of Gauteng. According to Motsoaledi, it was unfortunate that a company as big as Momentum would resort to negative messaging to oppose NHI.

This after the company apparently said that the NHI would cost a staggering R1.5-trillion, something he claims is far from the truth.

National road show to clarify NHI

Motsoaledi said he will be embarking on a national roadshow to meet role-players and stakeholders that have concerns over NHI to put them at ease.

As far as Motsoaledi was concerned, of all people and institutions opposing NHI, none have  come out to reject it outright. But disagreements have always been about modalities. As for Momentum, they must be ashamed of themselves for resorting to fear tactics.

“It is not helpful what happened last week. I received a lot of WhatsApp messages [from] people asking me. Because there is a health insurance company – Momentum Health.

It  produced figures that this NHI is going to cost R1.5-trillion,” charged an irritated Motsoaledi.

“That is three times more than the country spends on healthcare in both public and private. I find this claim extremely unfortunate and in very bad taste.

“It is quite disturbing, it does not build a nation and all it does is to create fear and uncertainty. This is a scarecrow to people from this system the government wants to establish,” he went on.

Mathematical hooliganism

“We of course do not have R1.5-trillion, it is bigger than the South African budget. I find it unacceptable and scaring people like that is tantamount to mathematical hooliganism.”

Motsoaledi said debate over NHI was welcome, but insisted that those who differ must do so with facts. The minister said there was panic in sections of those with access to private hospitals. As if there will be a total shutdown of public health facilities.

In his upcoming roadshows, Motsoaledi will seek to separate facts from fiction. He added that mainstream media was fueling negative sentiments about NHI.

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