Music execs have fallout over RiSA missing CIPC deadline

The South African Music Awards (SAMAs) boss, Nhlanhla Sibisi, has accused events manager Brian Mokoena of trying to destroy the SAMAs.

The accusation was made in an attempt to defend the Recording Industry of South Africa’s (RiSA) noncompliance.

Speaking to Sunday World, Sibisi said: “Our financial year runs from January to December. The audit for the 2024 financial year will start around April, and I’m told the deadline for filing is the end of July.

Still within the filing period for 2024

“So, we are still within the filing period for the 2024 audited financial statements. If there is any late filing, it will not impact any member or record label. Each member and record label submits their annual report individually. Usually, late filing attracts a penalty.

“It’s sad when people try to claim that our financial statements have not been audited when, in fact, we are up to date. Whoever is hoping to destroy the SAMAs — I hope they don’t succeed.”

He then mentioned Mokoena as one of the people behind the SAMA’s demise.

“Someone said Brian and others are involved. I will investigate,” Sibisi alleged.

When Sunday World produced evidence showing the date of non-compliance, Sibisi responded: “Auditors and the chief financial officer have confirmed that CIPC introduced a new requirement stating that members or shareholders must sign a beneficial ownership mandate.

Blames new requirement for missing deadline

“Apparently, this mandate is required before submitting the audited financial statements. Our company secretary is currently obtaining the necessary signatures. Once this is done, the audited financial statements will be uploaded, and the status will be updated.”

Mokoena, who is kwaito music legend Athur Mafokate’s former manager, was furious upon hearing Sibisi’s allegations.

“How can I destroy the SAMAs when I was invited to be one of the judges? I would really appreciate it if they left me alone.”

However, Sibisi hit back, claiming that Mokoena was lying.

“I don’t know how Brian would have been asked to be a judge for the SAMAs. He’s not a member of RiSA, and he doesn’t attend RiSA AGMs. So his claims are a blatant lie.”

SAMAs organiser shocked at being fingered

Again, Sibisi was presented with evidence proving that Mokoena had been nominated as one of the judges. He then responded: “I was not part of the selection process for judges. I’ll ask the team to verify on what basis he was recommended as a judge.”

Parliament’s Arts and Culture Portfolio committee member Eugene Mthethwa expressed his frustration.

“It is appalling that such things continue to happen within the department, despite our repeated concerns raised in the Portfolio Committee about the lack of due diligence. The acting director-general must be declared delinquent as she is failing in her fiduciary duties.”

On March 26, Sunday World reported that RiSA had failed to file its annual returns with CIPC. The publication further revealed that even the annual returns for 2023 were only filed last month.

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