North West school still uses unroadworthy scholar transport

The North West provincial legislature portfolio committee on community safety and transport management has expressed concern over appalling conditions of scholar transport buses in Potchefstroom.

Committee chairperson Freddy Sonakile said he was shocked on Tuesday to learn that scholar transport ferrying pupils to Resolofetse and Botoka Secondary Schools in Ikageng township did not have licence discs.

Unsafe buses without licence discs transporting children

He said the committee discovered, amongst others, buses without licence discs transporting children. Vehicles in appalling conditions with missing seats, emergency exits covered with steel instead of glass. Overloading and frequent instances of children arriving late at school.

The aim of the committee was to assess the condition of buses used to transport pupils at various schools.

Sonakile said the lives of the children were at risk.

“It is disheartening and worrying to find that learners’ lives are at risk, in danger. And they are subjected to such demeaning conditions of buses without any accountability. [Without] feasible intervention from the department,” he said.

The committee found that at Resolofetse Secondary School, an overloaded bus arrived with a damaged tyre to drop off pupils.

Some buses were found to be transporting pupils from multiple schools per load. Forcing children to walk unsupervised to their respective schools. This after being dropped off at a central location near Resolofetse.

Sonakile said engagements with various stakeholders in the area revealed that these  issues occur daily.

Multiple routes

“[The committee also learnt that] some scholar transport providers are contracted for multiple routes. But they are using a single bus to cover all of them.”

He said a detailed report on all schools in the district facing challenges with scholar transport was requested. It was requested from the relevant government departments by the committee.

Over the coming days, the committee will continue conducting unannounced visits to various schools. These are schools that are utilising scholar transport services within the district.

The North West transport and community safety were unsuccessful. Media liaison officer Charles Matlou said affected scholar transport operators will be dealt with.

Department taking action against culprits

“The non-will directly deal with the matter to ensure that the specific operator faces the necessary sanction. This… as outlined in the contract,” he said.

Matlou said the current contract of transport operators started on January 17, 2024.

“Since then, there have been operational challenges. These warranted the department to advertise a panel of operators with capacity and compliant vehicles. This process is in an advanced stage,” he said.

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