Nyatsi accuses EFF secretary of dodging child maintenance

Newly elected EFF Gauteng provincial secretary, Moshe Koma, is being accused by fellow party member and baby-mama of being a deadbeat dad.

In an exclusive interview with Sunday World last week, the woman, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the child, alleged that Koma has refused to pay papgeld for their four-year-old child because she spurned his request to terminate the pregnancy.

The woman, who is a member of the EFF in the south of Joburg, said she met Koma when she was campaigning before the regional people’s assembly which was held in Lanseria in 2017.

The EFF provincial secretary allegedly expressed his wish for the two to date. He also informed her that he was seeing someone from Limpopo, where he came from, and allegedly suggested that they keep their romantic relationship hush-hush.

The woman fell heads over heels with Koma, she shared, explaining further that after a few rolls in the hay, she fell pregnant with the politician’s child.

When she informed him that she was preggers with his child, Koma lost it and told her that he did not want a child. “He even told me to abort, but I refused.”

She broke off the relationship in 2018 following a series of arguments over the pregnancy. After the separation, the woman asked Koma to start supporting the child, she said, but he refused and suggested that they go for paternity tests to prove that he sired the child.

She farmed the child out to her grandmother in the Free State at the behest of her mother, because she did not have a decent place to stay. “He later phoned me and said he had made an appointment for a paternity test in Parktown [Johannesburg].

“He [also] asked that I give the child to him, but I refused, because he did not want me to be there [when the tests are conducted],” she said.

When her grandmother died in June 2022, the baby-mama informed Koma that she wanted to fetch the child [from Free State] and raise him in Johannesburg. She also asked for his help with the money for rent, but Koma turned down the request.

“I’m sick and tired of this man. He has [the] money to drive around in expensive cars and live in expensive suburbs, but he can’t support his own child,” she said, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Koma confirmed to Sunday World that he indeed enjoyed an intimate relationship with the woman, but denied that he impregnated her, saying he always used condoms.

“When she came to me and told me that she was pregnant, I informed her that it was not possible, because we [always] used protection,” said Koma.

“Besides, when a woman falls pregnant, she must convene a family meeting and report the matter to the elders, but she did not do that.”

Koma added that he wanted a paternity test conducted, but could not because the baby-mama refused with the child. “I’m willing to do the test, because if you claim that the child is mine, that must be backed [up] by science,” he said.


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