Charmza: Masalanabo Modjadi
A momentous occasion flew well under the radar with the release of the 2024 matric results last week.
Rain Queen heir, Masalanabo Modjadi of the Balubedu dynasty, was counted among the 87% of the class of 2024 who passed their matric. What many don’t know is that Her Royal Highness is the first female heir to the throne to obtain a matric.
Not only that; her custodian, Dr Mathole Motshekga, confirmed the princess was admitted to an unnamed university where she will further her studies, thereby raising the bar even higher.
We pause to doff our hat to the Rain Queen-elect in recognition of her achievement and duly anoint her our charmza this week.
It might well be one small step for a pupil who happens to have blue blood but it can be viewed as one giant leap for the further emancipation of women.