Let’s all join government in the war on GBVF and abuse

By Nozipho Dlamini

A week ago, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) presented the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and People with Disabilities, Sindisiwe Chikunga, and her deputy, Mmapaseka Letsike, with the first National Gender-Based Violence Study.

The findings from the study, conducted in 2022, do not paint a positive picture.

It revealed that 7.3-million women, aged 18 years and older, in South Africa have experienced physical violence in their lifetime.

It is worrying that the men surveyed as part of the study also justified violence in some circumstances.

These findings highlight the endemic nature of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF).

However, the government is working on integrating some of the study recommendations into its work.

Last week, Deputy President Paul Mashatile launched the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign in the North West and committed the government to taking the findings of the survey seriously.

He said the findings will feed directly into the national strategic plan on gender-based violence and femicide, which provides the roadmap for the government’s response to the scourge.

The Gauteng government has intensified the fight against GBV using multiple approaches.

Some of these include tools like the crime prevention panic button app, which victims can use when attacked. It has the potential to make a huge difference in preventing crime.

To date, more than 30 000 e-panic and physical buttons have been distributed to

The e-panic application is a game-changer in fighting crime, particularly gender-based violence and femicide. I urge respondents, especially women, to download and use the app.

The government’s investment in technology to fight crime should be commended.

Police must be assisted with advanced tools and systems that enhance investigative capabilities and improve response times.

Technology should always be at the forefront of efforts to combat crime more efficiently and effectively.

In addition to this, the provincial government has deployed gender-based violence brigades in all wards across the province.

The brigades play a critical role in enhancing community awareness of the Green Doors, Ikhaya Lethemba, and the victim’s empowerment centres at police stations and shelters to support survivors of GBV.

The Gauteng government opened the second Ikhaya Lethemba shelter in Evaton as part of an integrated and comprehensive approach to the elimination of violence against women and girls.

Ikhaya Lethemba, meaning “home of hope,” provides holistic and integrated services for survivors of violence.

Some of the services offered there include 24-hour residential sanctuary and shelter for abused women and children; counselling for both the survivor of the abuse and the perpetrator; legal advocacy; medical and health services; and skills training.

These are offered based on the individual assessment of each woman. Life skills training is also provided.

In 2023, Gauteng donated 31 new cars to the sexual offences unit of the South African Police Service.

In addition to this, floor managers were deployed to various police stations to improve service delivery and ensure that victims of GBV are attended to speedily and receive the quality service they deserve.

Victim support, immediate case management on GBV matters, and psychosocial support are currently being offered at the victim empowerment centres.

The government is also piloting online applications for protection orders.

In August, premier Panyaza Lesufi tabled the community safety budget in the legislature and announced that the department will channel R65.9-million to address GBVF.

Putting resources where critically needed must be applauded.

Still, the government alone cannot eradicate the scourge, and therefore, all sectors of society must partner with it to create safer communities.

Let’s all end the culture of silence around gender-based violence and report perpetrators to the police.

• Dlamini is a communicator in the Gauteng office of the premier

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