Moegoe: finance minister Enoch Godongwana

Moegoe: finance minister Enoch Godongwana

The lowest level of degeneracy any politician can reach is being tone deaf and losing touch with reality. It appears one such person is our finance minister Enoch Godongwana. He is a shame to the great Madiba clan. Sies! 

What had this madala smoked bathong to even think that hiking VAT from 15% to 17% was a good idea? These fat cats have been living comfortably in the gravy train for far too long they have no clue about the high cost of living strangling ordinary South Africans already. 

With buffoons like this handling the public purse, it is going to be a very long walk to economic freedom. When is he retiring? Someone get this moegoe far away from public office ASAP, please! 

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