Panic grows after KwaZulu-Natal confirms rise in cases of pink eye

More than 1 000 cases of pink eye have been reported in KwaZulu-Natal, and the eye infection is spreading like wildfire in eThekwini region.

Nomagugu Simelane, the KZN’s health MEC, confirmed the latest information on the eye infection. She warned the public about the risks of sharing eye cosmetics and face cloths. According to Simelane, the pink eye, or conjunctivitis, first appeared in February, but this week has seen the highest number of cases reported.

“The cases jumped from 161 in February to 1 044 in March. We can confirm that the province has 1 044 [known] cases of pink eye,” said Simelane.

“Approximately 1 040 of those are from eThekwini district, and four are from the Ugu district.” Ugu is eThekwini’s neighbour to the south, and thousands of its residents commute daily to Durban and other parts of eThekwini for work and education.

Discoloration in the eyes

Conjunctivitis manifests as pink or red discoloration in one or both eyes, a gritty feeling in one or both eyes. It produces burning or itchy sensation, and other types of irritation in one or both eyes. This increases tear production, swelling of the eyelids, and thick discharge from the eyes that can be yellow, white or green.

Even though the infection rarely impairs vision, Simelane claimed that it was still bothersome.

“Pink eye can be contagious, so getting an early diagnosis and taking precautions can help limit the spread.

“To avoid pink eye, you need to practise good personal hygiene, including regular hand-washing and avoiding sharing eye cosmetics, face cloths and pillows,” she said.

Typhoid fever outbreak is fake news

The pink eye outbreak comes after suspected cases of typhoid fever in Gauteng recently. However, the reports were deemed fake news by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases of South Africa (NICDSA).

“Typhoid fever is endemic in South Africa, meaning isolated cases can occur throughout the year,” the NICDSA said.

“As of 2024, there have been no reports of outbreaks in schools or creches in Gauteng, and there is no notable rise in the number of reported cases.”

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