Parents seek justice after abuse of children by Lutheran church teacher

Gatvol parents of children who have allegedly become victims of sexual assault are determined to fight the Antioga Lutheran Church for sexual harassment allegations raised against one of their members.

This after a man who worked at the church based in Tlhabane, Rustenburg, North West, allegedly sexually assaulted, fondled and sent mapona or nude pictures to teenagers at the church.

A parent, who cannot be named for fear of victimisation, said a volunteer at the church, who was appointed as a teacher for children in their confirmation classes, had allegedly sexually abused them.

The parents have expressed dismay that the leadership of the church betrayed them by not excommunicating  the abuser. This even though the church
hierarchy knew as the paedophile allegedly confessed to presiding Bishop Morwaeng Motswasele to the alleged sexual infractions.

The alleged perpetrator’s acts were discovered after the parents of a 14-year-old girl went through her phone and found inappropriate WhatsApp conversations she had with him but the church has not actively acted against him.

The parent told Sunday World she had been a member of the church for many years and grew up there believing their child was safe in that environment.

“A group of parents sent our children to be part of the church’s confirmation classes, and the congregant appointed by the church to teach as a volunteer has been sexually assaulting our children, sending them mapona images, and some were even fondled,” said the parent.

According to the parent, the matter was brought to the attention of church authority but due to the reprobate’s influence and stature in the church, no action was taken.

“The incident was reported to pastor Motswasele, who promised us five months ago that they were investigating, but nothing so far.

“We were told not to report the matter to the police and wait for the church to wrap up its investigations. This guy (the perpetrator) is well connected in high places.

“We are still dealing with the trauma of our children but the culprit is moving around freely and still does work for the church. The church authorities assured us they are dealing with the matter, but it has taken  long now, and it looks like he is protected.

“As parents we want answers, justice and our children need counselling. This man must face the law,or we will sue the church,” the parent added.

Sunday World this week contacted Motswasele, who said the case was an internal matter, and church leadership was attending to it.

“Who is your source? This is an internal matter. We will have a parish council on Sunday and after that we will issue a statement on the outcome,” said Motswasele.

“The accused member has been suspended, however, I am not at liberty to reveal the status of the investigation.

“It is unfortunate that things happen but it does not mean that they are allowed. To say I am allowing such behaviour is wrong.”

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