Playing is a vital part of children’s development – says expert

According to a licensed educational psychologist Dr Sibusiso Ntshangase, for children, playing is a proven essential in diagnosing developmental delays, learning disabilities, and emotional disturbances instead of using gadgets.

Ntshangase said in the realm of child development, few elements are as fundamentally transformative as the concept of playing.

“With over two decades of experience, both structured and unstructured play activities, have given me invaluable insights into children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development,” said Ntshangase.

Cornerstone for children’s development

Playing is a cornerstone for children’s development. Still, the role of present parenting in fostering positive play patterns is very important, said Ntshangase.

“Parents play a crucial role in shaping a child’s development. They are the primary caregivers and role models, providing love, support, and guidance. Different parenting styles impact a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development.”

Educators, psychologists, and parents fostering an environment that encourages and supports play is vital. It is key to children’s development and their mental health in adulthood, he said.

“Engaging in play activities that promote positive emotions and social connections is important. It can reduce the risk of mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. Play is a universal language through which children express themselves freely and safely.

“Positive play enhances cognitive development. This it does by fostering problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities. It encourages abstract thinking, experimentation, and learning from mistakes.”

Some of the key benefits that positive play has include:

Social Development –  Teaching children the importance of social development. Promoting cooperation, negotiation, and conflict resolution. It helps children develop empathy, understanding, and respect for others.

Physical Development – To promote gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance.

Language Development – Provides opportunities for communication, vocabulary expansion, and articulation improvement.

Emotional Well-Being – Allows children to release stress, anxiety, and tension. It promotes self-regulation and emotional resilience. This helps children manage their emotions and cope with challenging situations.

He said his report states that good play provides long-term benefits for children who grow up in a supportive environment. This includes increased levels of self-esteem, resilience, and emotional intelligence.

“They are better equipped to manage stress, navigate social relationships, and cope with life’s challenges. The profound impact of play on child development is undeniable.”

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