Premier calls for renewed action against HIV in Mpumalanga

Mpumalanga Premier Mandla Ndlovu has called for renewed and intensified action to tackle the HIV epidemic in the province. Ndlovu is urging a united approach to prevent new infections and support those living with the virus.

He was speaking during the Provincial Aids Council meeting on Monday. The premier highlighted the troubling fact that Mpumalanga has the highest HIV prevalence rate in the country. This is according to the latest Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) report.

Leading infection rates the country

The province recorded a 17.4% HIV prevalence rate in 2022, slightly down from 19.4% in 2017. But still leading the nation. Gert Sibande District was identified as the hardest-hit area, with a staggering 20.5% prevalence rate.

“We cannot overlook the gravity of this situation,” Ndlovu said.

“Mpumalanga continues to have the highest infection rate in the country. And that should be a call to action for all of us.

“We must work together — government, civil society, and communities. We must do this to curb the spread of this virus and protect our people.”

The premier emphasised that while some progress has been made, much more is needed to address the ongoing challenges.

Ndlovu pointed out the critical need for comprehensive strategies. These focus on prevention, public awareness, and treatment programmes. Particularly for high-risk groups such as young men and rural communities.

Testing, prevention and treatment to be intensified

“Our goal is to meet the international 95-95-95 targets,” Ndlovu said. He was referring to the Unaids initiative aimed at ensuring 95% of people living with HIV know their status. And 95% are on ARV treatment, while and 95% achieve viral suppression.

“We’ve made strides, but we must intensify our efforts. Especially in rural areas where the infection rates remain significantly higher.”

The HSRC report revealed worrying disparities across the province. With rural areas, particularly farming communities, experiencing higher rates of infection.

In the 15 to 24-year-old age group, the rate of HIV prevalence among young men stood at 9.8%. Significantly higher than their female counterparts at 6.3%.

Following the Aids Council meeting, the provincial government resolved to bolster its HIV prevention efforts. Particularly targeting youth and men, and to ensure continuous support for those on ARV programmes.

“This is not just about treatment,” Ndlovu added. “It’s about ensuring long-term care and improving the quality of life for people living with HIV. We need to engage our communities, especially our youth, to prevent new infections and to support those who need [treatment].”

However, the DA has blamed the provincial government for the high infection rate. The party called on Ndlovu to fire health MEC Sasekani Manzini.

DA blames health MEC, wants her fired 

Its spokesperson on health, Bosman Grobler, expressed their dissatisfaction with the provincial leadership.

“Mpumalanga now has the highest HIV prevalence in the country. And this is a direct result of poor leadership in the health department. There is no clear strategy or urgency to address this crisis. And the people of this province deserve better,” he said.

“Premier Ndlovu must take immediate action. He must replace MEC Manzini with someone who is capable of turning things around. The current administration has failed, and the people of Mpumalanga are paying the price for it.”

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