President Cyril Ramaphosa will join His Majesty King Misuzulu kaZwelithini, who will be leading the Royal family and amabutho at the 110th anniversary commemoration of King Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo at KwaCeza in Zululand today.
Paying tribute
Presidential spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, said the president will commence the commemoration by paying his respects at the King Dinuzulu Memorial at Ebukhosini, where he will lay a wreath in honour of the late Ingonyama.
“King Dinuzulu was a symbol of resistance against colonialism as he confronted various onslaughts. These included imprisonment [by the] colonial government, which disregarded the institutions of traditional authority.
“He succeeded his father King Cetshwayo as king of the Zulu nation. The commemoration is a stark reminder of the untold sufferings and humiliation in the struggle. This in the journey which our forebears confronted. The journey that led to the freedom and democracy we enjoy today,” Magwenya said on Friday.
Stakeholders involved in struggle for democracy
In a collaboration with the Royal Household, academics, historians, and cultural groups, various activities are underway. Among them the King Dinuzulu Commemorative Conference and the Choral Music festival. Also research and publication on the role of King Dinuzulu and notable traditional leaders. Their roles in influencing South Africa’s trajectory towards democracy.
“This commemoration serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of King Dinuzulu. It also highlights the continued importance of acknowledging shared history.
“The commemoration event will take place at KwaCeza, a venue of historical significance. Here, King Dinuzulu launched a decisive attack against colonial forces. He emerged victorious in the eastern parts of the town of Nongoma.”
State of Human Rights in SA Conference (March diary)
Magwenya said the first citizen will on Monday, March 18 2024, address the National Conference on the State of Human Rights Conference. This will mark the 30th anniversary of constitutional democracy and human rights in South Africa.
The conference will be hosted by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development from March 18-20. It will be held at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Boksburg. Its the theme will be “Three Decades of Respect for and Promotion of Human Rights”.
The Conference is premised on the department’s mandate. This is as being custodian of the Constitution and effective administration of the law.
The conference will also assess the institutions that are meant to uphold Constitutional democracy in South Africa.
The outcome of the conference is envisaged to be the baseline for benchmarking government’s implementation of the social contract.
Questions for oral reply in the National Assembly
Meanwhile, the president will on Tuesday, March 19, officially attend to the call by the National Assembly to respond to Questions for Oral Reply.
The president’s appearance in the National Assembly will complete the Fourth Term Parliamentary Programme cycle.
“This is in accordance with the president’s obligation in terms of the Rules of the National Assembly. The President will reflect on questions ranging from the land reform programme in the agricultural sector to lifestyle audits. This will be done starting with members of the Executive and Presidential Employment Stimulus. These are amongst some of the questions,” Magwenya said.
Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium South Africa (SIDSSA)
Magwenya also announced that the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure will host a symposium. It will be the third instalment of the Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium of South Africa (SIDSSA).
Infrastructure investment gap
The symposium will provide visibility of the infrastructure project pipeline and focus on closing the infrastructure investment gap.
It will be a platform where the public sector will engage with the private sector. Various issues will also be unveiled. Among them is the new pipeline of economic infrastructure project that will receive projects preparations from infrastructure South Africa.
There will also be the launch of the inaugural 2024/2025 construction book. About 22 ministers will be involved. Ministers who deal with infrastructures in their respective countries across the African continent.
Black Industrialists Summit
President Ramaphosa will on Wednesday, March 20 deliver the keynote address at the Second Black Industrialists and Exporters conference. It will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg.
Ramaphosa participated in the inaugural conference in 2022.
“The president will acknowledge the contribution made by Black Industrialists to the South African economy. This while reflecting on the progress made in advancing redress and transforming a skewed racialised economy. He will also discuss further initiatives to strengthen economic transformation. This in support of greater diversity in the ownership of the economy,” Magwenya said.
The intended second Black Industrialist Conference will, among others, celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Act of 2003.
It will further showcase the success of transformation policies. These include the BBBEE and the Black Industrialist programme.
More than 600 firms showed a turnover of about R80-illion during the 2023/2024 financial year. All were supported by the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (DTIC). This illustrates the tangible results of drawing more black entrepreneurs into the industrial economy.
Human Rights Day
The president will address this year’s Human Rights Day commemoration. It coincides with significant milestones of the 30 year anniversary of freedom and democracy. This will be on Thursday, March 21.
This year’s official commemoration will take place in Sharpeville, Gauteng. It will take place under the theme “Three decades of respect for and promotion of Human Rights”.
This day remains a fundamental landmark in our history and the reminder of those who fought against apartheid and colonialism. The UN has also declared March 21 to be the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Inaugural Biodiversity Indaba and Investment Summit
Lastly, on March 26, the president will address the Inaugural Biodiversity Indaba and Investment Summit.
The gathering will bring together stakeholders ranging from all spheres of government. These include traditional leaders, traditional health practitioners, communities, people and youth, among others.