Presidential protection cop suicide a cover-up, says victim’s family

Distraught Mtshali family in Durban wants a thorough investigation on the circumstances that led to the alleged suicide of a 48-year-old sergeant on Monday.

The sergeant attached to the presidential protection unit responsible for the safety of the AmaZulu king MisuZulu kaZwelithini is believed to have been involved in a hit and run incident where Phumla Mtshali was killed instantly. The police officer was apparently driving a state vehicle at the time of the deadly accident. It occurred in Phoenix highway, south of Durban on the wee hours of Saturday morning.

According to family spokesperson Philisiwe Mtshali, the sergeant was involved in an accident. Upon seeing that he had hit the pedestrian, the police officer sped off. He  subsequently abandoned the state vehicle in the sugarcane fields near Verulam.

Number plates disappeared from accident scene

“There was a cover-up from the start, because when the accident happened, a number plate fell off from the vehicle. Fortunately, security guards who were in patrol were already at the scene. They took photos and never informed the police. According to them, one of the two police officers who came to the scene insisted [on taking] the number plate with him. It however, did not reach the police station,” said Mtshali.

He said the family were not satisfied with the explanation given. The explanation that the accused police officer has since taken his own life.

“This smells of a cover-up. And we want a thorough investigation to find out what really happened. In South Africa, anything can happen, with the Bester saga still unfolding in front of our eyes,” she said.

Mtshali also lamented that her dead sister (hit-and-run victim) had left behind two minor children.

Police confirm subsequent incident at Umhlanga hotel

“We are deeply hurt as a family and we demand justice,” said Mtshali.

KwaZulu-Natal police confirmed the taking own life incident at a hotel in uMhlanga.

“On Monday, August 19, police received reports that the 48-year-old police sergeant  implicated in the-hit-and-run incident had taken his own life. Police are investigating the circumstances that led to him taking his own life,” said police spokesperson Robert Netshiunda.

It is alleged that upon seeing that he had made a deadly blunder, the cop reported the vehicle stolen. He was trying to cover his tracks. But he then failed to explain how a state vehicle was stolen at his secured home without any security breaches. This raised more suspicion of foul play.

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