Racist hypocrites are hiding among our new GNU 

Racist hypocrites are hiding among our new GNU 

Political sands shift extra-ordinarily fast in South Africa, a land alive with possibilities, as a popular television advert once declared. 

It is on this basis that many observers, and the sceptics among them –  not without reason of course – have questioned the new toenadering between the ANC and the decidedly rightwing-leaning DA in a government of national unity. 

While the DA has exponentially grown its support from a 5% share of the national vote in the first democratic elections the country held in 1994, it has undeniably failed to crack the unqualified support of the black African majority, which has largely remained suspicious of its intentions. 

It is no secret that the party, as the official opposition to the governing ANC over the years, sold itself as opponents of policies meant to benefit the majority, such as black economic empowerment, affirmative action and equity laws meant to address the economic injustices and the exclusion of Africans. 

It is such a stance that has no doubt resulted in the party of acclaimed anti-apartheid parliamentary lone ranger Helen Suzman not to resonate as much as it would have liked with the majority of the black voters, especially the African electorate. Its cause has not been helped by ill- 
advised statements made by some of its leaders that cannot be classified as anything but racist.  

An acclaimed former journalist working her fingers to the bone attesting to the supposed benefits of colonialism on the self-same majority the party covets, and then making the claims public has proved to be nothing but political suicide as far as capturing the black vote is concerned. 

It is the type of views a national leader,  their personal beliefs notwithstanding,  should rather keep in the privacy of those very close to them, around the dinner table or the braai stand with like-minded hypocrites. 

It is a lesson seemingly unheeded by those of a lighter hue in DA leadership circles.  

While the nation was awaiting the announcement of the new Cabinet that should indicate further where the winds of this government of national unity are blowing, news emerged how some dimwit recently sworn in as a DA parliamentarian had previously posted a video in which he uses the k-word and calls for the wanton murder of Africans.  

This was not just the postings of some unhinged fellow high on some Coke and Klippies and white supremacist drivel,  but by a supposedly honourable member of a democratic South Africa’s seventh parliament.  

In other words, one of the custodians of the “esteemed” GNU sold to the nation as the saviour of South Africa thinks little of the indeginous people of this land. 

To its credit, the DA moved swiftly to suspend Renaldo Gouws and promised further action. We, and the nation at large, will be watching their next move.  

More worrisome is the fact that many such wolves may be lurking among the gnus, passing themselves off as fellow grazers. 

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