Roads Agency Limpopo CEO placed on suspension

The Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) has placed its CEO Gabriel Maluleke under precautionary suspension.

This is effective from August 30 while it continues its investigations into the challenges at the organisation. It comes soon after the agency’s board of directors accused the MEC for public works of forcing members of the board to resign prematurely.

The beleaguered board, under the chairmanship of Matome Ralebipi, abdicated from office just a few months after its appointment.

Its term of office, which commenced in February, was supposed to run until 2027.

New acting CEO

The agency on Friday announced Makhitha Chesane as the acting CEO. He is from the agency’s stakeholder management function.

RAL’s senior communications manager, Danny Legodi, said the agency is currently under the management of an accounting authority. That was appointed by the MEC for public works, roads and infrastructure on August 12.

“This measure has been implemented to maintain oversight and address the challenges facing the agency. Mr Moses Tseli serves as the accounting authority. While the process of appointing a new board of directors is underway,” said Legodi.

“Following preliminary assessments of the agency’s challenges, the CEO, Mr Gabriel Maluleke, has been placed on precautionary suspension effective August 30, 2024.

“This suspension is intended to ensure that further investigations are conducted smoothly. Mr Tseli appointed Mr Makhitha Chesane as the acting chief executive officer. Chesane is attached… to the stakeholder management function of the agency,” said Legodi. 

Crisis management

Tseli said the agency will strive to satisfy its service providers and members of the public. 

“I wish to apologise to all the service providers whose payments were delayed. This while the agency was attending to matters of governance. The operational systems will be back on track. And the agency’s obligation towards its service providers and the public will be honoured in the few days to come,” said Tseli. He was addressing the RAL staff on Friday morning.

Legodi said Tseli assures the people of Limpopo province of his commitment to business continuity at the Roads Agency.

“He is confident that the agency will return to delivering its vital mandate. That of connecting the people and economy of the province, optimally,” said Legodi. 

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  1. Very incompetent agency this RAL. Community of Khureng, Zebediela are paying taxes but they are treated like step children of the province.

    How do you explain going into villages and tarring small streets whilst the main road connecting Mehlareng, Khureng and Roedtan is not tarred?

    Maluleke and his cronies must all be fired and not suspended for getting paid so much money but with lack of proper planning and road maintenance plan.

    • Unfortunately you have not made your research on the roads that are a competency of RAL and those residing with Municipalities. Secondly the magnitude of the challenge on lack of funding for the upgrade of the outstanding Provincial roads is something that you may be ignoring because it is public knowledge. Please verify facts from rumour and value your opinion.

  2. They must be fired, almost all the roads in Moletji, either they connecting villages or are going to hospitals and clinics are not tarred.

  3. It is time to rid off complacency from all government agencies and departments in Limpopo. RAL must not be the only agency falling victim to the purposeful mission initiated. The Education Department must be next. For far too long, these agencies and departments have been under the poor management of friends, cronies, cartels, and families. Hence, competent and caring people of Limpopo, particularly from Capricorn and Waterberg Dustricts, are nowhere in any provincial department as though employable people in executive positions are only from Mopani, Vhembe, and Sekhukhune. People of Limpopo deserve better services. Their loyal support to the ANC must not be misconstrued for stupidity. They are not buffoons and they are watching with an eagle eye. Time to cleanup. Well done MEC.

  4. RAL has been ineffective in its delivery of services since its inception. Old roads like the one connecting the villages of Kuruleni,Masia and Vhangani have been ignored and every summer rains renders this road impassable. The best solution would be to do away with provincial road agencies and let their business and work be taken over by SANRAL.

  5. No road was ever constructed in my village after the year 2000 shame on u the government of limpopo and road agency limpopo…we are still driving on gravel roads in mafefe …ejang ke dihlong

  6. Tarring of the road from Mashamba to Soelmekaar is still left unfinished. All others are being attended to but this one remain neglected. We prayed for this tarring to begin it connect at Morebeng but instead tarring stated years ago at an area where it is least needed. They listen to no one these ones

  7. The community of rust de winter , Rapotokoane and Savannah settlement have not been paid for August and the road between Rapotokoane and pinarsrivier is 40 persent renewed , and no one is saying anything to them , is that not the irresponsible management from RAL and the bagaphala projects and training ? People are waiting for they’re salaries from 25 August till today , new CEO and board members people are staving , please do something about that


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