SADTU Western Cape saddened by senseless murder of teacher

Johannesburg- SADTU in the Western Cape is deeply saddened by the tragic event at Heinz Park Primary school where an educator lost his life.

“We are calling on the police to do all they can to ensure that the perpetrators are tracked, traced and brought to book as a matter of urgency. Further, we are calling upon the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) to step up security at Heinz Park Primary and surrounding areas so that everybody involved in the school is safe,” SADTU said in a statement.

“As SADTU Western Cape, we want to extend our sincere condolences to the family, loved ones, school community, staff, non-teaching staff & learners of the school and say we have been deeply saddened by this event,” the statement continued to say.

The publication was told that SADTU is monitoring the situation at the school through its branch leadership and will be keeping its members informed as to what the latest developments are.

The Union has since developed a campaign called, “I am a School Fan” which calls for schools to be safe places.

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