Sbahle Mpisane inspired by her surfer and shark attack survivor pal

Johannesburg- Fitness bunny Sbahle Mpisane recently took to social media to share how she is inspired by her friend who is a surfer and shark attack survivor.

“Many things have inspired me throughout my recovery phase & has given me reasons to look at life wholly.”

“But when asked who inspired me the most, how can I narrow down to one pivotal person who made a difference more than others? My friend, surfer & shark attack survivor @calebswanepoel, he stands out as someone.”

“Caleb said: “Something I take away from my shark attack is to value what you’ve been given. I think a lot of the time we take for granted our bodies, I want to show people that your disability doesn’t define you – it’s just part of you,” she wrote.

Sbahle has been out of the showbiz industry for almost two years after she was involved in a horrific car accident that left her in an intensive care unit for several months.


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