Sex-pest Methodist priest forces women to have abortions

A well-known pastor at the Methodist Church in Johannesburg has been accused of binging in wild orgies with unmarried and married congregants.

 The Bible-puncher, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has also been accused of bonking young male congregants, young girls and elderly women.

Some of his sex conquests have fallen pregnant and aborted at his instigation.

The riveting titbits, which will send shockwaves across the religious ecosystem,  are contained in a letter of complaint written by “concerned congregants” to the leadership of the church recently. 

In the letter titled “Series 2”, the congregants alleged that the man of the cloth has been sowing wild oats with their colleagues and have asked the church mandarins to intervene.

 “While we’re aware that sexual activities are often agreement between two adults, however, we cannot overlook the power dynamics that are often at play in these so-called relationships. It is evident that sexual desire is at the centre of the scheme by (name withheld) to sleep with women, unmarried, married, elderly and young girls, including men. 

“The orgy that this has been, unprotected sex with most of the congregants that resulted in pregnancies that were terminated at his instruction or allowed if a lady is lucky (most ladies, should they decide to keep the babies, are relocated elsewhere),” read the letter.

 They complained the church processes and people that occupy positions of responsibility had failed many women who had been abused by male leaders who claimed to represent morality, church processes and people . 

“The church has failed many victims of sexual violence and it is the case with Circuit 901, many women left the church bleeding, wounded, violated by a man who took advantage of either their innocence, vulnerability or commitment to the church,”  read the letter.

 The congregants further  said several women who reported the abuse to the leaders and stewards were told to shut up because they would embarrass the church if they spoke up.

 They also said members of the female church group called Women Manyano were used by the pastor to neutralise those who dare speak out about the conduct of the minister. 

“Young women who would approach (name withheld) out of their plight found themselves victims of sexual abuse as they had to sleep with him for financial favours.

“Unfortunately, many are unable to come out but, in their conscience, they know the victimisation that has occurred and some even today continue to depend on him for sufficiency and hence the difficulty for them to come forth,” read the letter.

The congregants said the lust-chasing priest preyed on married women who approached him for intervention in their faltering marriages or relationship challenges. 

 They said these desperate women were encouraged by the pastor to leave their relationships and when they did he would romp them in a bid to satisfy his insatiable appetite for sex.

 “Once they are in, it was difficult to get out, but he would drop them and move on to the next as he never cares about the human being.

They alleged that one of the male congregants, known to Sunday World, arrived at the reception of the church premises drunk with intention to confront the pastor for
cuckolding him. 

 They also alleged that some of the congregants had an unedifying spectacle of watching the love rat priest humping one of the congregants after their Women Manyano church services hosted by Circuit 901 at the Braamfontein Recreation Centre.

“She pretended to be going to sleep, she was seen in action in the car with (name withheld) at the hotel parking lot by a delegate. The members of Women Manyano can attest to this as this was done with impunity,” read the letter.

The congregant also alleged that one of the ministers caught the pastor “eating the fruit of Eden” with the wife of a married man at the church’s mission house.

“The other day a certain minister visited the mission house and got a shock of his life when he saw  (name withheld) in a  car parking outside in the middle of the night. When he got inside, he found ( name withheld) and  (name withheld) cosy in the bedroom.” 

 They also said a well-known married couple was sexually abused by the pastor when it went to be pastorally counselled at the mission house a few years ago.

“There is a man who was serving in the YMG committee and his wife in WM (Woman Manyano), they too were also victims of this sexual abuse where both were sexually abused “indoda no mfazi wayo”. They ended up leaving the church.

They also said they were in possession of video of the pastor and a woman who left her “European” husband for the pastor adding that some of  the clergyman’s  sex partners  were involved in a cat-fight in the kitchen of the mission house over him.

 The pastor poured cold water on the allegations and accused the reporters of running a sponsored campaign against him.

The alleged victims declined to comment, saying they did not want to be part of the crusade to destroy the priest.

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