Soweto learner in hospital after being stabbed at school

A Grade 10 learner at PJ Simelane Secondary School in Dobsonville, Soweto, has landed in  hospital after being stabbed multiple times.

The attack took place in the school premises on Friday morning, outside the classroom. This comes after a boy, believed to be from the same township, was accused of knifing the pupil after climbing over the fence and entering the school premises.

Following the gruesome attack, the principal ordered parents to fetch their children from school immediately.

When Sunday World arrived at the school on Friday, a crowd of learners appeared sombre and anxious while waiting at the gate to be picked up.

Fight started the previous day

Witnesses said the fight started on Thursday afternoon after school.

It is believed that the victim won the Thursday fight, resulting in the intruder seeking revenge.

“We saw the boy jumping the fence to get inside the school. He approached the victim and stabbed him four times around the waist. Some of the boys from school started throwing stones at the perpetrator in defence of the victim, who was by then on the floor,” said a witness.

The victim was rushed to the hospital, where he is receiving medical care.

School said to be in a dangerous area fraught with crime

A father, who wished to remain anonymous to protect his children, claimed the school had become dangerous for them. He was at the gate to pick up his children.

“I regret ever bringing my children here because every week there are fights, stabbing and gang violence at PJ Simelane,” said the parent.

“I don’t even think the police care at this point. Because they were here earlier, they arrested one boy and left. Why are they not patrolling around this area? Another thing is, this school doesn’t have proper security,” he added.

The parent further said the fights stem from the community.

Attacker is not from the school

“The fights are between the township and hostel, because the boy who stabbed the pupil does not attend school. What saddens me is that some children here … will be victims of something they know nothing about. Their phones will be stolen, they will be stabbed or even raped by boys from either party.”

The Gauteng department of education and police had yet to respond to questions sent by Sunday World by the time of publication.

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