Striking PSA members take to the streets countrywide

Thousands of Public Servants Association of South Africa (PSA) members went back to the streets around the country on Tuesday to express their dissatisfaction at government’s insistence to enforce the 3% wage increase.

The PSA, the largest politically non-affiliated trade union for public servants in the country, is demanding a 10% pay hike.

The government has made it clear that it will apply the no work, no pay rule policy for all the workers who will take part in what has been dubbed the national day of action.

Hundreds of protestors in Gauteng gathered at Burgers Park in Pretoria before embarking on a march to the offices of the Treasury.

The striking workers in KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State and Eastern Cape were also expected to hold marchers and hand over their memorandums containing lists of demands to government officials.

In Cape Town, the PSA cancelled its planned march due to the ongoing two-day taxi strike in the city.

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