Traditional healers resist moves to ‘westernise’ their practices

Traditional healers are up in arms over moves by the government to introduce new regulatory measures that will require them to keep a logbook in which they chronicle their therapeutic practices, patients’ profiles, diagnoses, and prescriptions.

The Traditional Health Practitioners Regulation 2024, which former health minister Joe Phaahla approved in June, established guidelines for how traditional and modern medical practices might coexist within a regulated framework.

Additionally, the new rules require traditional healers to pay a certain amount and register with the Traditional Healers Council.

After that, they would have to pay a regular yearly fee. Initiates must be at least a certain age to be eligible to practise as traditional healers under the regulations.

This comes after the Traditional Health Practitioners Council of South Africa, established by the 2007 Act, was not properly implemented for years.

The traditional healing field is diverse and founded on cultural customs, according to traditional doctor Lerato Maloba.

We do not want to westernise our space

“You cannot westernise our culture or traditions. I understand that we live in a modern time and era where things have evolved, but we continue to practice how we are supposed to,” said Maloba.

“We follow the proper processes and heal patients. We make sure that people are spiritually aligned, and we don’t want to westernise our traditional healing space and practices.”

Maloba said the government has failed to consult with traditional healers when formulating the new regulations.

“If someone wants to regulate you as a traditional healer, they must first meet with you and learn about traditional healing,” Maloba said during a march in Mahikeng, North West.

“In reality, they must be traditional healers themselves to appreciate the complexities of the thing they want to regulate.”

The healers also expressed concern that patients would now be reluctant to seek consultations due to the disclosure of their personal data to the Department of Health.

“Their details will be made public. I don’t think our patients would appreciate that. The government merely wants to infiltrate our space. They want to harshly take away from us.” 

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