Tragic end to search for hikers as bodies recovered in Low’s Creek

The search for two missing hikers in Low’s Creek, outside Mbombela, had a tragic end on Friday, as the bodies of two men, aged 42 and 56, were recovered by Mpumalanga police.

The pair had disappeared over a week ago during what was meant to be a casual hike. This prompted a large-scale search that gripped the community. It saw police teams navigating the dangerous, mountainous terrain.

The two men, residents of Pienaar, vanished without a trace. This sparked concern after they failed to return from their adventure in Low’s Creek. It is a rugged and treacherous area known for its thick bush and steep slopes.

Search began on Tuesday

The search began on Tuesday when police were notified of their disappearance. Despite the immediate response, the challenging terrain made the operation difficult. Authorities deployed foot patrols, motorbikes, and aerial support to sweep the vast and inaccessible areas.

It was only on Thursday that a police helicopter and a local member of the public managed to spot the bodies. However, the remote location delayed their recovery until Friday morning.

The combined efforts of the SAPS Airwing, Diving Unit, Crime Intelligence, and local assistance led to Friday’s recovery. Acting Provincial Commissioner Major General (Dr) Zeph Mkhwanazi commended all involved.

“Our officers responded swiftly. But the terrain made it extremely difficult to access the area,” said Mkhwanazi.

“We have been working tirelessly, and it is a devastating outcome. But at least the families will now have some closure.”

Local shepherd played crucial role

Mkhwanazi expressed his gratitude to the local shepherd who played a crucial role in leading the recovery team. As well as his dog, which helped locate the exact spot where the bodies were found.

The commissioner confirmed that an expert team will investigate the circumstances surrounding the men’s deaths.

“A team of experts has already been appointed to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding this incident,” he said. “Part of the investigation will focus on the cause of death and the events that led to their disappearance.”

The commissioner also made a public appeal for calm. He urged the community to allow investigators space to carry out their work.

Victims’ identities withheld

The police have yet to disclose the identities of the victims, pending notification of their families.

Both men had embarked on the hike without raising any suspicions of danger. But as the days went by and they failed to return, fears grew.

What was initially seen as a routine trip into the wilderness quickly escalated into a desperate search. With police and the public working together to cover the difficult terrain.

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