Trump’s PEPFAR freeze set to affect more than 15,000 jobs in SA

Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi has announced that more that 15, 000 people might be affected by the freezing of the US President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) funding.
This funding has been essential in fighting against the HIV/Aids. This by, among other things, paying salaries of people helping to fight the disease in South Africa.
5.5 million South Africans on antiretroviral treatment
Motsoaledi stated that 7.8 million South Africans are living with HIV/Aids. Of this number, 5.5 million of them are currently on antiretroviral treatment (ARVs).
He explained that PEPFAR had targeted 27 of the most affected regions across South Africa. It support the fight against the virus in these regions. These regions are located in eight provinces, excluding the Northern Cape.
Seven of the districts are in KwaZulu-Natal, which has a high rate of HIV/Aids patients. Five are in the Eastern Cape, and four are in Gauteng, among other areas.
In total, at least 271, 666 people are on the ground working to combat the virus. Of this number, 15, 141 individuals will be directly affected by the funding freeze.
Operational costs and salaries affected
“We are buying ARVs on our own with a percentage from the Global Fund. So our biggest problem will be the salaries and the operational costs,” said Motsoaledi.
However, he also mentioned that the government has not received official communication to freeze the funding. But it has learnt from NGOs that benefitted from the funding that it has been frozen.
The DA revealed that South Africa had benefitted $453-million in direct funding and $439-million expected for 2025.
DA calls for US secretary of state to intervene

Emma Powell, DA spokesperson on international relations and cooperation, called upon the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, for PEPFAR programming to be restored.  She said that it is critical for life-saving treatment for citizens.

“The DA urges the US government to recognise that every dollar spent on global health initiatives, such as PEPFAR, directly strengthens international security, and bolsters America’s global influence. A sudden cessation of this magnitude may ultimately compromise US national interests in the region,” said Powell.

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