Two men mysteriously die on arrival at a Limpopo hospital

Limpopo police have opened two cases of inquest in Seshego following the mysterious deaths of two men.

It is reported that the two deceased men passed away upon admission at Seshego hospital during separate incidents on October 24,2023.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Hlulani Mashaba said the initial inquest case was after a 42-year-old man from Seshego Zone 5 passed on after he was brought to the hospital by his family at about 2pm.

“An inquest docket was then opened for further investigation. Later in the evening at about 22h00 (10pm), police received a similar report of a 26-year-old man from Moletjie Setlogong who was allegedly brought to the hospital by his girlfriend and unfortunately passed on upon admission as well,”Mashaba said.

According to reports both men seemingly had complications while at home and were rushed to the hospital where they later passed on.

“The inquest dockets have been opened to determine the causes of death. Postmortems are still to be conducted,” Mashaba said.

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