Two ministers and a fed-up slay queen

Slay queen from Pretoria lays bare salacious details of steamy affair. 

Minister of Mineral Resources Gwede Mantashe and his finance counterpart Tito Mboweni are embroiled in a love triangle involving a Pretoria- based slay queen Lerato Habiba Makgatho, Sunday World can reveal.

Her salacious exchanges with Mantashe are contained in two separate sets of WhatsApp conversations, which Sunday World has seen.
In the first conversation, she raves about Mantashe’s sexual exploits while the ANC chairman also praises her for being a Kama Sutra in bed.

She told Sunday World that Mantashe, who is married, is a “tiger” in bed while Mboweni, who is not married, is a control freak who didn’t last long in bed as Mantashe.

In another set of messages, Makgatho tells Mantashe she wants him. “ Baby please,” she writes.

He responds by saying: “My relationship with you has already costed [sic] me more than R70k. I am afraid that this time it will cost me R100k.”

In a conversation with Mboweni, she breaks up with the finance minister, because she is no longer happy with him and wants to date other men.

In an exclusive interview with Sunday World on Thursday, Makgatho explained why she has decided to spill the beans now. She wanted the truth of her relationships with the two ministers to come out so that people can stop trying to extort money from the ministers.

“I want to be free. If I speak, no one will have a hold on me. Even the ministers will be free because if the information is still out there [in private hands], people will one day decide to use it to get money from them. The ministers will also think I am working with this [sic] people to extort money from them. So, if this story goes public, it will help me and the

The 26-year-old aspiring actress and student said she feels bad for Mantashe because he is a nice person.

She said Mantashe blessed her better than Mboweni.

“He gave me between R10k and R15k, and Mboweni will only give me R3k once in a long time”.

Mboweni was also not a freak in bed because “he wanted us to switch off the lights and cover ourselves, but Mantashe was a tiger in bed. He even lasted long.”

She said Mboweni also insisted on being on top all the time.

When Sunday World sent questions to Mboweni, he did not respond. He, however, forwarded one of the messages we sent to Makgatho.

By Meta Mphahlele


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