Two South Africans killed in Palestine-Israel conflict

Two South Africans have been killed in the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel while one local has been reported missing.

This was confirmed by the Embassy of Israel in South Africa.

According to media reports, more than 2 000 people from both warring sides have been killed since the fighting started at the weekend.

A total of 400 000 people from the Gaza Strip have since been displaced

Reports say there is a possibility that one of the deceased South Africans had held dual citizenship between South Africa and Israel.

“The list of murdered and missing people includes three South Africans with two murdered and one missing,” the embassy said.

“No one is spared when it comes to terrorism. We thank the people of Johannesburg for their unwavering support.”

Addressing the media on Friday, Palestinian ambassador to South Africa, Hanan Jarra, said: “What is going on now is not a war, it is a silent war.

“As Palestinians, we will not resort to violence, we have been subjected to violence from Israel [for far too long] and yet we have never engaged in violence.

“History is repeating itself and those who remain silent are part of the problem. The current Israel leadership shows no interest in a political solution.”

On Thursday, President Cyril Ramaphosa extended his condolences to the families of the deceased and called for the opening of humanitarian corridors in the Middle East.

“Our thoughts are with all the victims’ families and loved ones during this perilous period of fighting,” Ramaphosa said.

“We remain gravely concerned at the devastating escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the atrocities committed against civilian populations.

“We call for the immediate cessation of violence and the exercise of restraint. It is vital that all those who require urgent humanitarian assistance are provided with basic life-supporting necessities and that human suffering is ameliorated.”

Meanwhile, the Jewish community in South Africa has lashed out at the government for having previously done away with a South African embassy in Israel.

Zev Krengel, vice-president of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, said that because of the absence of an embassy in Israel, it is difficult to determine the number of South Africans who are currently in the region.

Krengel added that it is also difficult for those wanting a quick path back home to find one.

British broadcaster Sky News reported on Friday that according to the UN, Israel has told more than 1-million Palestinians to move to the south of Gaza.

This as Israel continues to move its defence forces to the border ahead of what could be a ground offensive.

However, according to the broadcaster, the UN has said it is “impossible” for Palestinians to move to the south in the next 24 hours.


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