ANC bans unvaccinated delegates from attending provincial conference 

Unvaccinated delegates will not be allowed to take part in the ANC Eastern Cape provincial conference scheduled for the International Convention Centre (ICC) in East London at the weekend.

In a move to prevent a Covid-19 super-spreader event, the party’s provincial task team has also roped in the Eastern Cape health department to conduct rapid Covid-19 vaccination at the registration venue.

The spokesperson for the task team, Loyiso Magqashela, said the party had informed all the delegates beforehand. “We have issued the correspondence to all the delegates, to all the branches, and all the regions so that everyone is made aware of this important requirement,” said Magqashela.

“We have had an experience with Covid-19, therefore in our gatherings we must lead by example as the ANC not to bring unvaccinated people to the events and avoid an unintended occurrence.”

Party delegates are expected to begin with the registration process from Friday morning.

Speaking during the inspection of the venue, provincial task team convener Oscar Mabuyane said the disputes that delayed the conference had also affected the readiness (of the party) because some delegates were uncertain due to unresolved disputes.

But the preparations are well in order at the ICC.

Mabuyane, who will compete against public works MEC Babalo Madikizela and deputy speaker of the provincial legislature Mlibo Qoboshiyane, said more than 90% of the ANC branches would form part of the conference.

“We have worked very hard and delayed the conference to create a space for as many branches as possible. The issues of disputes were unfortunate problems, some were created deliberately to delay the conference,” said Mabuyane.

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