Lack of access to empowerment opportunities has contributed to the levels of gender-based violence (BV) in the country. Addressing this and empowering women in all sectors of the economy will help end GBV. Denying this access is in itself a contributing factor to GBV.
This is what Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Deputy Minister, Nokuzola Tolashe, meant when she called for the socioeconomic empowerment of women, youth, and people with disabilities to end GBV.
Socioeconomic challenges
“Socioeconomic challenges for women, youth and persons with disabilities remain persistent to this day. It is for the same reason that the department calls for 40% preferential procurement in the public sector,” Tolashe said.
She made the remarks after President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the State of the Nation Address (Sona). It highlighted myriad achievements. However, he also acknowledged the work that is still to be done, after 30 years of democracy.
Tolashe said South Africa, like many other developing countries, continues to wrestle with the challenges of unemployment. It also battles structural economic marginalisation, insufficient skills development and high levels of violence. Teenage pregnancies, and substance abuse are also part of the challenges.
She said these continue to hinder government’s progress in addressing the persistent triple challenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
Mainstreaming of women’s rights
Tolashe said through the mainstreaming of women’s rights and advocacy, the department has over the years been able to coordinate and facilitate interventions. These support economic empowerment and economic ownership. Women, youth, and people with disabilities are beneficiaries of this economic empowerment.
The mainstreaming also includes promoting good governance. This translates into the rights and transformation of social and economic empowerment of women, among others.
Equal access
“It is important that women, youth, and persons with disabilities must enjoy equal access to adequate financing. This enables them to start and scale their businesses, increase their incomes, and contribute to the country’s economy.
“It is through the department’s strategic outputs that the empowerment of women continues to be at the centre of the national economic agenda. This includes the youth and persons with disabilities,” Tolashe said.