Zama zamas must leave us in peace, say Riverlea residents

Riverlea residents pleaded with Police Minister Bheki Cele on Friday to fulfil his promise to deal with crime and illegal mining in the area.

This they said after Cele returned to the area to monitor the work of police who were deployed on Tuesday following the discovery of bodies of men believed to be illegal miners.

The lifeless bodies were found dumped on the side of the road following clashes between zama zama factions at the weekend.

Speaking to Sunday World on Friday, Eliezer Goliath commended Cele for dispatching various policing units to the area.
“We have raised our concerns and they [government] have listened. I am somewhat satisfied with what is being done this far,” said Goliath.
“We expect him [Cele] to come back with good feedback. We want the zama zamas to be removed. It is all good that they [the police] are here, but the zama zamas must go.”
Jason Patel said it is good news to see Cele returning to the area as he promised.
Patel said: “We hope something will be done about the zama zamas and a spike in crime. With his return to our community, it looks promising that change is here.
“My concern with the zama zamas staying around is the shootings, the bombings, and the underground gas pipelines. The safety of my children is my main concern.”
Speaking for the youth, a young lady who did not want to be identified said Cele must make sure that illegal miners are dealt with. 
“Earlier in this week as I was walking to the college, I returned home when I heard random gunshots. I missed a class because I feared for my life,” she said. 
“My message to Cele is that he must consider the safety of children who walk to school and back. These people must go!”
On Thursday, police spokesperson Brigadier Brenda Muridili said more than 100 suspects were arrested between Tuesday and Thursday.

This after police raided an informal settlement where alleged illegal miners and other suspected criminals were nabbed.

The police also confiscated illegal firearms and ammunition, stolen property, explosives, gas cylinders and other equipment used during illegal mining activities.


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